21. In which I made you look.

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After I had ensured all the workers had left. I retreated back to my room. Leo had told me that they were on their way and did not give an estimate of the people that were coming over. I hoped it wasn't a big number to put me in big trouble with my parents if at all this backfired. I heard about parties where the police had to be called, turned into violence and in extreme cases, involvement of drug use.

The more I thought of those probabilities and the outcome. The easier I found my regret justifiable.

If anything was to go amiss. I would loose my parents trust and that would be the worst kind of punishment when no one finds you realiable. Eventually they would stop needing you because no value you had in their lives.

I shook my head at the thought of such a nightmare. I had to be alert throughout party to keep an eye on everyone and everything.

"You can't wear that." Lydia spoke, as soon as I announced to them that we could head downstairs and wait for the rest. I had changed into my sweat pants and a tank top. I didn't find fault in my attire. I was the host and I didn't see the need to dress up.

"What do you suggest?" I asked her my eyes flickering to Harriet who was trying to find sleeep. She had informed us in advance that she won't be part of the party and needed to nap aliitle.

"What do you have here?" Lydia open my walk in closet and Natalie and I followed her lead.

Her eyes and hands moving from cloth to cloth, closely inspecting it. When she was done she seemed dissatisfied as nothing had appealed to her.

"You should have a closet revamp" Lydia suggested.

"I have the perfect dress for you." Natalie, like a hero she came in to save the day.

"Me too, if you have another extra." Lydia requested.

Natalie had an exotic sense of fashion. It wasn't my style but it made her look hot and feminine. You couldn't walk with her without having heads turning. Something I didn't experience, I blended with the background and went unnoticed.

"Here." She revealed a mini strap dress. I took it and looked through it. Without even trying it on, it could tell it was short and its material was thin, meaning it would hang on to my body tightly.

"Just give it a try, for today." Natalie tried to reason with me when my judgement of the flimsy dress made me hesitate.

I easily gave in and walked into my closet to try it. Once done, I did everything in my power not look at the mirror, afraid that I would grow more insecure.

"Hot Damn!" Natalie cursed.

"That look will make Leo weak." Lydia said.

I looked over at Harriet, "What do you think?" I asked her.

"You look nice but, being yourself is much better." She answered.

"You can be yourself the rest of the days in the calendar, but today we choose to look good over it." Lydia chimed in.

She had also changed into a multicolored one shoulder cut out dress.

"Leave me alone!" Natalie shouted, I looked over at her and realized she was on the phone. I didn't notice that earlier. "I need a drink." She said walking out and we followed her.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Lydia asked.

"Ex-boyfriend." She clarified, sternly. "Cadet men are whores." She spat bitterly.

Lydia and I exchanged looks. I couldn't imagine Leo and I getting to this stage in a relationship. Where we hated each other. How was that even possible?

Leo texted me and asked me to open the gate for them. I became nervous like a bride on her first night of the honeymoon. I was with him earlier today but after my mother's approval of our courtship I felt like a bird released from a cage.

I checked around the house, all the valuables I had moved them to another room and locked my parents personal rooms. Access to the house was limited to the first floor bathrooms and kitchen.

Several cars streamed inside the compound as soon as I open it. Noticing Leo's truck as the lead. The remaining were parked outside the perimeter wall.

The people that had come along with him, were many. He was a popular loved student leader and I understood that he had influence over the masses and I.

He stepped out in his glory, wearing a white shirt and black jeans. We all stared, it was hard not to.

When he halted infront of me, his mouth dropped wide open, words disappearing on his mind as he checked me out. He couldn't stop looking. It is like he was seeing me for the first time. He just kept looking at me

"You all along had been hiding all of that." Edwin, Leo's best friend commented eyeing me like a piece of meat.

"Edwin!" Leo warned escaping his trance.

"I have good news." I said to Leo, ignoring his friend.

He raised his brow, "You do?" He enquired with a hint of mirth.

"Mmh." I nodded.

"Do tell me." He seemed to be in a good mood compared to other days, I was also over the moon.

I ignored the electric shock that travelled through my body when I touched his hand and pulled him with me.

We went to stand by his car where some boys were removing bottles of vodka and keg. To set up for the party. I had to wonder who was running Annex now or Leo had to shut it down.

"My parents approved of us, what did you say to my mother?" I springed on my toes, putting my hands on my hips.

"They did?" Even under the moon, I could see his surprise. I didn't understand why.

I nodded.

"Wow!" He was still disbelief. So was I, I was actually going to date LefreakingO. He was popular, ambitious and with a bright future. And yet he chose a freshman, inexperienced and a 17 year old girl over all the other girls that would throw themselves at him.

"Leo?" A feminine voice called.

I turned to its origin. The face seemed familiar and yet I couldn't remember where I saw it.

"Kourtney?" He called out in panic. " What are you doing here?"

"There you are." Leo's other friend that gave me the creeps came over, tugging the girl with him. She was pretty, very pretty in a way I wouldn't come close to.

"Who is she?" I asked.

His jaw tensed. He chuckled, "One of my friends." He dismissed me and I believed his word.

"Let's get the party started." I suggested.

His good moods had quickly transformed into a sour one. And had to wonder why that girl had so much effect on him. I hope as the night progressed, that would change.

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