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Prudence Pov

I was in bed with a man, i did imagine a lot of things but this is not how i imagined it would feel with a man next to you. He smelled phenomenon, even his slow snore was adorable. I couldn't sleep yet he seemed so comfortable and in a dream world, something i envied.

The pillow barrier that i had created between us was long gone and i had i stay still while his leg hovered over mine. I didn't even move it. It brought a weird satisfying feeling in me.

I knew one way or another i had to sleep, for the next day's classes. I decided to pick my phone and earphones and listen to nature's sound to put me to sleep. It worked because i woke up to his knee poking my back and his hand on my waist. The shock of it paralyzed me momentarily.

My hand moved to my back to move his knee away. To my shock it was smaller that a knee but huge. My hand grasped over it an as a reaction pulled it.

"My God!" Leo rolled away, his face in pain.

I was confused by the recent development.

"Don't uproot it, you can ask nicely." He said opening his eyes.

"Ask what?" I enquired.

He opened his mouth and shut it. He took his time to just stare at me like i was a math problem he couldn't solve, "You are too innocent for this world, what did you think you were holding?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Knee, it was poking me." I said.

"Don't ever grow up, you are too cute." He said waking up and sat on the bed for a while. He seemed in a good mood and just loved this side of him.

After a while he stood and i looked away as he reached for his trouser. I turned when i heard the door shut. I took my phone, it was eight in the morning, i had overslept and i would not be able to attend my seven a.m class. I had several class from Harriet and Natalie probably worried that they didn't find us in the room.

I woke up and found Lydia already awake, she had bathed and seemed ready to go. Leo was nowhere in sight which was weird since it wasn't a big house to get lost in.

"I have assignment to submit today," Lydia announced.

I pouted, "I will miss you." I said.

"I will see you later and you will tell me all about your night." She winked and i blushed.

"I don't think i will make it to school today, i have to buy household items," I told her.

She glared at me, "You really are invested in this." She asked with a hint of doubt which came as a surprise since from the start she is the only that supported my relationship with Leo.

"I am." I replied.

Few minutes later after Lydia had left, Leo did come back with three coffees, donuts and apples.

"Your friend has left already?" He asked disappointed with all the foods he had bought.

I nodded.

"Well that is a waste." He placed the extra coffee aside.

He sat beside me. The entire scenario of us seated together reminded me of my parents. And leaving me question my decision. What was i doing playing house with a man i met few months ago? Doubtful thoughts filled my head. I looked over at Leo and wondered if he too had such thoughts.

"Do you regret this?" I decided to know his perspective.

He looked me over with a small smile, "Do you?" He turned the question back at me.

"I don't know, the reality just dawned on me." I was honest.

"I haven't slept that well in a while, so no." He shook his head.

"What if i don't meet any of your expectations." I was a worried.

He smiled at me warmly, "You will do just fine." He said and added, "Do you have any expectations with me?" He asked.

"I have never done this before, i don't know what to expect." I looked away embarrassed by my inexperience.

"Never been kissed?" He placed his coffee on the table and my heart started to palpitate fast as he got closer.

I shook my head, words lost on me.

"Not even a peck on the cheek?" I don't know he genuinely wanted to know or he was amused by my inexperience.

I shook my head again, "Since now you are my girlfriend, am i allowed to kiss you?" I internally screamed, never thought that this would ever happen and him referring me as his girlfriend was the peak.

I pursued my lips and nodded, he leaned forward and i became self conscious of what was about to happen. I was about to have my first kiss. I would want to remember it as i told our children.

"I have to brush my teeth," I blurted out.

He stopped and started to laugh, "Relax," He placed his hand on my cheek and i blushed, amusing him more. I could not relax, my senses where too aware of his presence.

I didn't see it coming, i just felt his lips on mine and the kiss ended quickly before i could register it.

I looked up and he was just staring at me. I didn't know what to do next but the kiss was not how i expected it. It was rushed, lacked passion and i regretted that there was no magical feeling with it.

"I have to get ready for school, if you need help with the kitchen items you can call me." He said and with that left to the bedroom like nothing had happened. I was my first kiss! A terrible first kiss!

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