Chapter 5- House (dis)Unity

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Frannie woke up to the feeling of a hand on her shoulder and she instantly grabbed her wand, spinning around to face a rather alarmed Lily. Panting heavily, she lowered her arm, feeling a rush of embarrassment as her cheeks flushed.

"Sorry," she muttered, stuffing her wand back into the pocket of her robes. "Bad dream."

Lily frowned, her forehead creasing, although she waved a casual hand. "No worries. I tried to let you sleep in, but classes start in an hour and I figured you would need time to get your schedule and things." The redhead's gaze wandered over Frannie's rumbled robes and she was acutely aware of the sour smell rising from her body as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Right, thank you." She managed a small smile at the redhead and stood from the bed before realizing she had nothing to get ready with. "Could I umm.. borrow a few things?"

Lily smiled sadly, her green gaze softening as she nodded towards her trunk. "Use whatever you like," she rolled her eyes as she headed out the door. "Just don't touch Marlene's lipstick, she is rather protective."

Frannie eyed her mother's figure, which was buried under a pile of blankets as she continued to snore soundly. Making her way over to the shower at the back of the room, Frannie summoned a few soaps and a fresh set of robes from Lily's trunk, although she had to lengthen them considerably as the redhead was rather short. As Draco put it, Frannie was "a bloody giant."

She hummed softly as she let the warm water race over her body, the wound on her side stinging and taking her mind from memories of her pale cousin. She had no idea how long, if ever, it would be before she could return to her own time so there was no point in lingering on the past. Still, Frannie couldn't help but feel a wave of crippling loneliness as she fluffed the end of her hair, drying it quickly with a few charms. Sure, the girls seemed nice and it wasn't like the people at Hogwarts were complete strangers, but she definitely was alone with the knowledge of their impending futures. Could she even change anything?

Frannie gripped the edge of the counter, her vision swimming as she took several shaky breaths. She would have to just take one day at a time, with faith that she would know what to do when the time was right. Adding a few swipes of Muggle mascara to her eyelashes, Frannie peered at her reflection. She still looked rather pale and exhausted, but it was a definite improvement over her condition of the last year. Fighting Death Eaters and living on the run meant she was lucky if she had time to brush her hair.

Careful not to disturb her mother, Frannie tip toed out of the girl's dormitory and back into the common room. It was mostly empty, as all the students had already headed down to breakfast. However, Lily looked up from where she had been straightening a few of the cushions, her hair pulled back into a French braid.

"Perfect," she smiled up at Frannie, waving her through the portrait hole. "I was just about to head down to the Great Hall. If Marlene hasn't woken up yet, she never will."

Frannie snorted, feeling a wave of tenderness towards her mother. If she hadn't been immersed in war, she would never have been a morning person either. Any time before nine was inhuman.

Following Lily down the corridor, Frannie breathed in the familiar smell of old stone and smoke, along with a hint of mildew. To her, there was no better aroma. As she stepped into the Great Hall, Frannie suddenly wished she had taken the time to prepare herself.

A sea of familiar faces chatted and ate amicably and Frannie either knew them from her own time or as a relative to one of the students in the future. Even the Slytherins looked happier than she remembered, although they were much more subdued. Her breath caught as her gaze landed on a rather sullen boy who had dark curls that mirrored hers exactly. His silver gaze was lifeless as he turned to face one of his tablemates and Frannie bit her lip. The face of Regulus Black was all too familiar. Walburga had his portrait hanging on the wall of her bedroom and Frannie swore she had seen a tear glisten in her grandmother's eye when she looked at it.

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