Chapter 29- No Longer an Orphan

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"What happened?" Frannie gazed at her mother's sleeping form, which was heavily bandaged. Only a small portion of her cheek and her eyes were visible, the rest of her body hidden beneath the hospital blanket.

James collapsed into a chair, leaning into Frannie's touch as Sirius held on to Marlene's hand desperately. "We went to Gaunt House. It was guarded by several curses, like you said it would be. Getting through those was the easy part." His gaze darkened. "We figured Voldemort would make it a lot more complicated than just prying up floorboards to find the ring, so Remus said he had read of a charm that located dark magic." He let out a long sigh, running his fingers through his hair. "The only catch is that it drains the energy of the user's soul, so Remus said it would be better if two people conjured it. Marlene insisted. She took Remus's hand before I could stop her." His voice cracked as Frannie reached over, taking her mother's arm gently. "We managed to find the ring, but Marlene held the charm for a moment too long and her wand just sort of exploded, taking the house with it. We're lucky we made it out alive."

Frannie sighed, feeling a wave of guilt as Marlene let out a soft moan, frowning in her sleep. "I should have come with you."

"No," James pulled on the sleeve of his jumper angrily. "You had enough to worry about. I was supposed to be the leader." He slammed his first on the metal table, making Frannie jump. "And I failed."

Frannie frowned, pulling the boy's head close to her chest and running her fingers through his hair. "NO, James. No one could have done better." She reached over, her eyes filling with tears as she looked at her mother, Lily gently combing her hair. "Sometimes things just happen, no matter how hard you try."

James sat up slowly, fixing her with a gentle hazel gaze. "And that's why we don't want you to tell us the future."

"What?" Frannie's brow wrinkled as she gazed around at her friends. Regulus was the only one missing, as he had to return to the Slytherin dormitories. Any more time away might cause the Death Eaters to be suspicious. "Really? I.." she took a steadying breath, casting a look of resolve at her mother. They should know what they were fighting for. "I'm ready."

"But it's not necessary," Lily shook her head, taking a seat on the bed, careful not to disturb Marlene as Mary poured a few drops of potion down the blonde's throat.

James reached over, taking Frannie's hand as he pulled her closer. "When you told me I had I son, I didn't know how to handle it, Fran. At first, I was angry that you told me and worried I wouldn't be the father he deserved. But then I began to wonder if he would even exist now, with everything changing the way it is." The Gryffindor shook his head, his face covered in dirt and grime as he gave a small smirk. "Whatever happened in the future is in the past now. And we can't live expecting things to go the way they originally did, but we simply have to have faith that whatever happens now, things are going to be okay as long as we do the right thing."

There was a long moment of silence before Frannie gave a small nod, burying her face in his shoulder as tears pricked her eyes.

"Potter, if you don't bloody kiss her after all that, I will end you."

"MARLENE!" Lily and Alice cried, looking down at their friend in joy.

The blonde girl shifted in her bed, reaching up to feel the bandages across her face and her shoulder. "I hope you like scars, Puppy," she turned her neck slowly to glare at Sirius with a teasing glint in her eye.

"You've never been hotter," Sirius whispered hoarsely, gripping Marlene's hand in relief, his face pale. "Although, you might have to compete with Moony for the rebel look."

Remus rolled his eyes, although he seemed at ease as he stretched out in his seat, Peter beside him. "Only you, Padfoot. Only you."

"What?" Sirius clutched at his chest in mock offense. "I lighten the mood! Admit it," he gazed around at the room. "You all need me to bring some entertainment to your boring lives."

Frannie raised an eyebrow as James wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "I think I do just fine on my own."

"Ditto," Draco replied, scrubbing at a dark stain on his sleeve. "Every day I wake up and wonder whether I'll become a traitor to the Death Eaters, break into Gringotts, or take down an evil wizard. I'd say I have enough excitement."

Sirius pointedly ignored the Slytherin, gesturing between James and Frannie with a firm finger. "And don't think you've got out of that discussion." His face twisted into a repulsed scowl. "I'm still trying to process the idea of my best mate and my daughter."

"Oh, leave her alone," Marlene swatted at the boy weakly, rolling her eyes. "It's not like you're an innocent when it comes to the dating game."

Sirius glanced at James and Frannie, shaking his head. "Just keep an eight-inch radius from each other when you're around me." Frannie and Marlene turned to glare at him, whipping their heads around at the same time. "WHOA!" her father held up his hands, "that's so creepy. You two have the exact same—" his voice broke off as the colour drained from his face.

"Finally figured it out, have you?" Marlene looked almost gleeful as her chocolate eyes twinkled. "Guess you're committed to me, Black, now that we share a daughter."

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