Chapter 27- The Tortured History of Snivellus and Prongs

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Frannie looked up in surprise, having gotten lost reading her DADA textbook. The Potions classroom was empty, only scraps of parchment and a dog bone (which she strongly suspected was Sirius's) were left behind as evidence of the students that had worked there moments earlier.

"Sorry," she stammered, stuffing her books roughly into her bag and nearly knocking over Severus's cauldron. "I thought you didn't want me to touch anything?"

Severus rolled his eyes, reaching out to steady the cauldron as he surveyed the contents for damage. "Apparently even that cannot save your poor skills."

Frannie sighed, feeling her chest ache with anxiety as she checked her watch. She needed to get ready. Draco was planning on apparating from Hogsmeade early tomorrow morning, with the help of the Marauder's Map of course.

"Wait," Severus's arm touched hers so briefly she was sure she had imagined it. The Slytherin sighed, reaching into the pocket of his robes and pulling out a small wooden chest.

Frannie's eyes widened in recognition as she inhaled a breath. "Is that—"

"From Flitwick's class?" Severus finished, giving a brief nod. "I assure you, I made it even more useful." He waved his wand, causing the lid to pop open and revealing nothing but a darkness that did not fit the box's shallow depths. "Have you heard of an Undetectable Extension Charm?"

"A few times," Frannie leaned forward, peering over his shoulder to try to see the box's contents. "Did you actually manage to complete one?"

Severus scoffed, shaking his bangs from his eyes. "What do I look like? Potter? I'm not an imbecile." He curled his lip, his dark gaze glaring down at the table. "Then again, it seems you prefer the company of fools." He raised his head, pinning Frannie in her place with his gaze. "I know what're you're after."

Frannie swallowed, reaching into the pocket of her robes for her wand. She didn't know if she could trust the Snape she knew now. Suddenly, her body froze as Severus waved his arm, muttering a few phrases under his breath.

"It seems I must have taught you Occlumency," he continued, placing the chest on the desk with a small thud. "Because you use tricks to block your mind that I've just begun to develop. It's taken me many months to get through the barriers, but I was finally successful." He pressed his lips together in a thin line. "What you're trying to do is impossible."

Frannie sucked in a deep breath, gasping as life returned to her body and sagging against the tabletop. "It can be done—"

"Luckily for you," Severus continued sourly, stabbing his wand at the chest as a few vials popped up from its depths, hovering in the air, "those Gryffindors have a rather irritating streak of defeating the impossible. However, if you're going to break into Gringotts," he reached into the chest, pulling out a long silver chain. "You need to be prepared. This box contains my personal brews of Polyjuice, veritaseurm, amorentia, and other potions that may prove useful."

Frannie's mouth fell open as the vials whirled in the air, popping back into the chest as Severus uttered their names before shutting the lid. "And what is that?" she nodded at the necklace the Slytherin was lacing through his fingers.

"This holds the essence of a boggart," Severus held up the chain, which glinted a pale green. "It allows the wearer to take any form they imagine and is nearly undetectable, even by the most powerful of charms." A smirk twisted the boy's face as a glint of pride gleamed in his eye. "Malfoy was keeping it in his perfume drawer. The idiot probably didn't even know what it does."

Frannie frowned at the mention of the Death Eater, sliding down into her seat as Severus dropped the chain into her palm. It was much heavier than it looked. "Why are you helping me?" she examined his expression carefully.

Severus's tone was emotionless as he slammed his book shut, finally packing up his ingredients. "It's rather simple, Black. I'd rather not live in a world burned to the ground by Malfoys and fools who believe immortality can actually be attained." His gaze was cold as he whipped around to face her, his wand extended in warning. "Don't tell anyone about this. If asked, I will deny any involvement."

"WHY?" Frannie burst, softening her tone as Severus turned away. "You could come with us, you know."

"And Potter and your father and I will hold hands and run skipping into the Forbidden Forest?" Severus spat, his skin sallow in the dungeon light. "I don't think so. You see Francesca, I was sorted into Slytherin for a reason. I rather value self-preservation."

"But what's the point of saving yourself if everyone you know will be gone?" Frannie stood, taking a step closer to her future mentor.

"THE WORLD ISN'T HEROES AND VILLIANS!" Severus burst, his face flushing as he whipped around to face Frannie, making her recoil. "Why don't you ask your boyfriend if he felt noble every time he humiliated a student he felt was beneath him?" the Slytherin sneered, his eyes flashing maliciously. "Or how he enjoyed being praised for hanging me in the air and taking away the only person I ever felt safe with? No, Black," he shook his head. "The Gryffindors will forever receive glory that overshadows their crimes, while people like me will constantly live with the weight of ours. The world isn't fair." He picked up his case from the floor. "And that's why I'd rather like to avoid it."

Frannie's mind raced as the boy approached the door, his cloak blending into the darkness of the doorway. "You're right!" she cried desperately, making Severus pause before he left completely. Swallowing, she took a deep breath in an attempt to compose herself. "No, the world isn't fair. But it does exist in black and white," she clasped her hands together as they began to shake with emotion. "Either you're on the good side or you're on the bad one. And if you think you can choose neither, you're only fooling yourself. Because you're giving evil the upper hand in your surrender." She bowed her head, reaching forward to grab Severus's arm. "Sev, you're better than that. I know it."

"You don't know who I am."

Severus's words hung in the air as the boy ducked out of the doorway, disappearing into the labyrinth of the dungeons. Frannie sighed, burying her head in her hands as she wondered if she had said the right thing.

"You okay?" she heard James's voice above her as a warm hand was placed on her shoulder. "Saw you were stuck with Snivellus and thought I'd better check he didn't turn you into toadstool for his latest experiment."

Frannie looked up at the Gryffindor boy, her face pale as he gave a warm chuckle. "James, why were you so cruel to him?" She bit her lip as James stiffened, a frown growing on his face. "I never understood. Were you really just jealous of him and Lily?"

There was a small pause as James let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair as he collapsed in Severus's vacant seat. "It was that originally, I suppose. I mean Lily never gave me the time of day, yet she and Snape were practically inseparable in the early years." His hazel gaze drifted off. "He was one of the few people who made her really laugh. That's my job you know," he turned to Frannie, "making people happy? If I can't get someone to laugh, I feel bloody useless." He let out a sigh, running another hand over his head. "Eventually, I couldn't even remember why we had a rivalry, just that it existed and it gave people something to be entertained by."

Frannie froze, her chocolate gaze growing icy. "You used Severus for ENTERTAINMENT?" she snapped, recoiling from James. "For crowd approval?"

"Hang on, he retaliated!" James protested, throwing his hands up in the air. "It wasn't like he was innocent! He even called Lily a—"

"Mudblood?" Frannie finished as James flinched at the term. "I know."

James folded his arms across his chest angrily. "I forgot Lily told you—"

"Actually, I already knew before that," Frannie snapped, feeling her temper beginning to boil. "I took Legilimency lessons with Severus and saw a few of his memories. And your son did too," she ignored the sinking feeling in her chest as James's eyes widened. "Wondered how his father turned out to be such a git."

James shot her a cold glare, swinging his bag over his shoulders and slamming his chair back under his desk. "Go hang out with Snivellus if you like him so much," the boy snarled, his face red. "Let me know how that goes for you."

Frannie opened her mouth, her eyes widening in horror. But it was too late, James was already gone. She let out a long groan, sinking to the ground as she clutched at her head. What had she done?

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