Chapter 12- Queen (Marlene)

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"Frannie, get your arse out of bed before I make you," Marlene growled, waving another layer of mascara over her eyelashes.

Frannie looked up from The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, her gaze examining the black dress her mother wore. It seemed to hug every curve and she swore it could pass as lingerie. "Parties aren't really my thing." She wrinkled her nose as she thought of all the pureblood events Walburga had forced her to attend in her childhood. And Slytherin parties mostly consisted of brooding teenagers lounging around on leather sofas, complaining or looking for their latest snog.

"Lily is even going!" Marlene gestured at the redhead, who was wearing a more modest maroon dress, her hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail.

Although things had still been tense between them, Frannie was glad to see the Gryffindor looked as unenthusiastic as she felt. "I'll pass, thanks." She raised a dark eyebrow from where she lounged on her comforter. "You could always stay here and read with me."

Marlene grimaced, as if Frannie had suggested she snog Flich. "Why read when you could live?" She shook out her blonde tresses and Frannie was once more resentful she didn't get her mother's smooth locks. "I'll see you two losers."

Frannie shook her head as Marlene disappeared down the stairs, the sounds of the party already beginning to travel up from the common room. Gryffindors never failed to take things too far.

"You should come."

Frannie looked up in surprise at Lily's voice. The redhead smiled hesitantly, taking a few steps closer to her bed.

"Merlin knows I could use someone sensible to spend the night with." She wrinkled her nose, her eyelids shimmering a faint brown. "Our house is rather full of idiots."

A grin made its way to Frannie's face as she set aside her book, sitting up on the four-poster bed. "You could say that again," she looked down at her rumpled uniform, her tie hanging haphazardly around her shoulders. "Only problem is, I don't have anything to wear."

Lily turned around, bending over to rummage through her trunk before pulling out an emerald dress, a large bow fixed at the back. Frannie tried to refrain from snorting at the irony of color.

"Thank you," she smiled, reaching over to embrace the girl without ruining her outfit. "Lily, I'm sorry," she ran a finger over the golden details on her comforter. "I shouldn't push when it's none of my business. I can be rather insensitive."

"All's forgiven," Lily squeezed her hand gently, handing her the dress. "Now go put this on before Marlene murders us!"

Frannie laughed, ducking into the bathroom and pulling the silk over her waist. She examined her reflection in the mirror, frowning at the marks on her arms. No one could see those.

Waving her wand, she conjured a set of lace sleeves, covering her marred skin, before pulling her hair up into an elegant knot. It was a bit difficult with her shorter tresses, but she managed.

"What do you think?" she spread out her arms as she returned to their dormitory, startling Lily from where she sat in deep thought.

"Beautiful!" The redhead smiled, her eyes glimmering with amusement as she shook her head. "But I should probably lengthen the dress a bit, you're much taller than I am."

Frannie posed dramatically, jutting her hip out to the side. "Marlene would approve."

"And that's why you should fix it," Lily deadpanned, waving her wand and adjusting the hem of Frannie's dress. "I still don't understand how she and Sirius act the way they do. Always so noncommittal."

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