Chapter 22- Voldy's a Moody Pubecesent

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"So, we're really gonna do this?" Sirius looked over at the fire in the Gryffindor common room, the shadows of the flames flickering over his face. "Save the world and all?"

Draco looked up from where he had been practicing a couple of defensive spells with Frannie, his hair falling into his sweaty face. "Day after Christmas."

"Which is in two days," Remus was nearly hidden between several piles of books he had stacked on his desk, seeming to be trying to read the entire library before they left. "Do you even know where to start?"

Frannie gave a short nod, motioning for Lily and Peter, who had been busy brewing a Polyjuice potion, to come closer. "The Malfoys will be hosting their annual ball. Draco remembers where his father hid Voldemort's diary and we are hoping it hasn't changed location. He and I will go in disguise, and maybe Sirius," she looked at her father skeptically, "although I'm not even sure if you can act like a pureblood. The rest of you will stand guard in case something goes wrong." She chewed on her lip. "With any luck, it won't."

"Voldy has a DIARY?" Sirius spluttered, shaking his head in disgust. "What a pansy."

Remus looked unimpressed, packing several books into a suitcase. "That's all you got from that?"

"You're only acting defensive because you have one too," Sirius taunted, lounging back on the sofa. "Dear, Diary. Today I forgot to fold my socks and I'm afraid the world in going to en—" he was cut off as Remus threw a rather large volume at his head.

James turned to look at Frannie and she tried to hide the jolt of nervousness in her stomach. They hadn't had the chance to speak much since the kiss, with Remus and Lily obsessively dragging her into their planning and Sirius insisting James help him with a last few pranks.

"I am curious," the bespectacled boy wrinkled his nose, rubbing his forehead. "Why would he keep a diary?"

Frannie exchanged a look with Draco. Her cousin gave a confident nod. "His real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"Ugh," Sirius mimed retching, sitting up on the sofa. "I would be moody too, with a name like that."

"Anyways," Frannie shot her father an annoyed glare for interrupting. "His father was Muggle and his mother a witch."

"So, Voldemort's a half blood?" Lily's gaze darkened as she glanced out the window, the stars in the sky reflecting in her emerald irises. "Bloody hypocrite."

James looked at the redhead with wide eyes, his mouth falling open slightly. "Language, Evans!"

"Oh, shove off," Lily mumbled, burying her head in her arms as Sirius gave a whistle of approval.

Frannie watched their exchange silently, trying not to feel jealous. James caught her frown and a flash of guilt appeared across his face. She turned away quickly, pretending she hadn't seen. "Anyways, Tom created his first horcrux in his sixth year after he—"

"Sixth year?" Sirius yelped, his face paling. "Bloody psychopath."

Draco let out an irritated groan, pointing his wand in the Gryffindor's direction. "The next person to interrupt will get their tongue cursed off!"

Frannie sent her cousin a thankful look, for once approving of his violent tendencies. "Anyways, Tom is the heir of Slytherin. And I don't know if you all have heard of the Chamber of Secrets," Remus and Lily gave slight nods, while the other boys just stared at her blankly. "The entrance is in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom because she's the first person Tom ever killed. There's a basilisk in the chamber and because he's the heir of Slytherin, he's also a parselmouth."

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