Chapter 24- A Few (Stubborn) Recruits

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"Mr. Lupin!" McGonagall's sharp voice startled the werewolf from where he had fallen asleep at his desk, his head buried into his arms. "It's only the first day of class after the holidays." She pressed her lips together tightly. "I trust Mr. Black and Potter haven't worn you down too much? After all, you have seven years' experience."

"No, professor," Remus flushed, looking rather embarrassed as he wiped his mouth. James and Sirius snickered from beside him, although Frannie noticed they looked exhausted as well, their skin pale and dark bags lining their eyes. She let out a sigh. They had spent the rest of the holidays planning on how to retrieve the other horcruxes and between that and Full Moon, sleep hadn't been a priority.

Professor McGonagall shook her head, a flash of sympathy in her eyes as her gaze rested on the unruly Gryffindors. "I will let you off early, just this once."

"REALLY?" Sirius looked like Christmas had come again, throwing his arms around the Transfiguration professor. "Minnie, how can I ever thank—"

"You can refrain from putting your body within a meter of mine," McGonagall replied shortly, flicking her wand and sending the boy flying back into his seat. "Now go on before I begin to question my decision. And don't forget, Professor Huckleroot's dueling club starts tonight at seven."

"How could we forget?" James grumbled, not bothering to pick up his textbook as they left. "I swear that man makes Snivellus look like a fairy."

Remus shifted his book bag on his shoulder, pulling out another tome on dark magic. Frannie had hardly seen him without his nose buried in pages these days and she had thought she was an avid reader. "We always seem to have the worst DADA professors. Remember last year? We thought he was decent until Malfoy pushed him into a vanishing cabinet."

Draco winced at the thought of his father, sending a small nod to Regulus as they passed in the hall, signaling him to meet them in the Room of Requirement. "You know the position is cursed?" he turned the corridor, taking the staircase gracefully. "Ever since Dumbledore refused the position to You-Know-Who."

"WHAT?" Sirius stumbled up the stairs, swearing as he landed on his shin. "Voldy was almost a professor? The school would have been buried in a day!"

James shook his head, helping Frannie up the final step discretely. "How did he expect to get hired? His resume is murderer via giant snake and soul stealer that creates immortal diaries. I'm sure Dumbledore was thrilled."

Frannie snorted, reluctantly pulling her hand away from his warm grip. They had an unspoken agreement not to go public with their.. well she wasn't even sure if she could call it a relationship. She still didn't know whether her and James being together would produce dire consequences. Her gaze flitted across the boy's figure as he turned in front of the wall at the end of the corridor, revealing the Room of Requirement. Though she really just wanted to find a broom cupboard and—

"I still can't figure out how this room functions," Remus's voice interrupted her from her thoughts and Frannie flushed as Lily gave her a small nudge. "I mean, what combination of spells would lead to produce—"

"Moonnyyyy," Sirius whined, placing his hand over his ears. "This is one of those times where you accept the gift and don't ask questions." He looked between Remus and Lily, who were glaring at him in annoyance. "Or at least keep it between you and Evans?" He turned to James with a quirked eyebrow. "I think Ginger here might prefer men with wolfish qualities?"

Lily scowled, she and Remus turning a bright red as James looked unaffected, shrugging as he collapsed on a scarlet sofa that had appeared in the middle of the room. Sirius looked rather bewildered at his mate's reaction, or lack of.

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