Chapter 9- Enlisting the Halfblood Prince

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"I need your help," Frannie looked up from where she had been crushing a beetle, trying not to look repulsed. She knew Severus would only think she was weaker than he already did.

"I'm not really inclined to give it," the boy looked up from their cauldron, his hooked nose glistening with sweat. "Unless you're asking about Potter, in which I say run screaming for the hills." His gaze darkened. "And take Lily with you."

Frannie wrinkled her nose, smashing the beetle's head a bit too hard and causing Severus to let out a hiss of annoyance. "Well, you made me think of Potter!" she exclaimed, holding up her hands in defense and quirking up an eyebrow as she nodded at the insect. "I was pretending it was him."

Or his son, she added silently. Although she and Harry were on the same side in the second war, they had never seen eye to eye. In her opinion, he had an unhealthy self-sabotage complex as well as a ridiculous prejudice to anyone who didn't love scarlet.

"And now you've made a mess of our assignment," Severus drawled, taking out another beetle and crushing it carefully. "You've already done enough to ruin my reputation."

Frannie raised an eyebrow, looking over at Zabini and Malfoy, whose cauldron was spitting strange fumes and sparks. "I don't think you had one to begin with."

Severus looked up, a long strand of black hair hanging in his eyes as he met her gaze. "It seems Regulus likes you," he admitted carefully, his tone emotionless. "Defended you to Malfoy the other day and told him to leave you alone."

Frannie's mouth fell open as she thought of her uncle standing up to the older blonde.

"I don't mean he fancies you," Severus snapped, looking rather irritated as he gave their potion a few stirs. "You don't exactly have a face worthy of the Black family."

There was a momentary pause before Frannie burst into a fit of laughter, causing several students to stare as she clutched her ribs. "Sorry," she gasped as Lily rolled her eyes in amusement from where she sat next to Peter. "It's.. just.. Black.."

Severus watched her with a morbid fascination, as if she was some complicated brew he couldn't quite figure out.

"Ms. Smith," Slughorn waddled over, his collar rumpled and stained. "Have you managed to brew the draught of living death?"

Frannie looked up at the potion's professor innocently, widening her gaze. "Do you have some felix felicis as a reward if I have?" She grinned, her lips a gentle pink. "I could use some luck."

Slughorn shook his head in disapproval as Frannie continued to giggle, feeling rather hysterical. She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself, but she caught Severus's skeptical gaze and burst into another fit of laughter. "It's an inside thing."

"Which means I won't bother to ask," Severus deadpanned, pouring some of the potion into a vial and handing it to Slughorn before beginning to pack up his things.

"Wait," Frannie's expression grew serious as she laid a hand on his arm, immediately retracting it as Severus flinched. "Sorry, I just.. what do you know about wolfsbane?"

Severus frowned, his dark eyes brightening slightly. "The plant? Also known as monkshood," Frannie let out a snort, which he ignored, "it can be deadly poisonous."

Frannie leaned closer as they left the potions classroom, making their way back up from the dungeons. "But do you think it could cure lycanthropy?" She bit her lip as Severus stiffened. "I have a friend who could use it."

Severus pulled her towards an empty alcove, lowering his voice as he looked around to make sure no one was listening. "Is this about Lupin?"

Frannie's eyes widened as she searched for a response. "No.. I mean,"

"Smith, despite what your gang of idiots says, I'm not a fool," Severus snarled, grabbing her arm. "If you want my help, I don't tolerate liars."

Frannie sucked in a deep breath, looking over her shoulder at the passing crowds. "Fine. Yes. But he doesn't know I'm asking."

There was a moment of silence as Severus stared at the wall, looking to be thinking quickly. "If used in the right quantities perhaps. And it would have to be taken more than once," he began to mutter inaudible words, his lips moving silently.

Frannie shifted on her feet impatiently, sensing Lily's gaze as the redhead waited for her at the end of the corridor. "Right, well I thought maybe we could try.."

"We?" Severus interrupted, raising a thin eyebrow. "Forgive me, Smith, but you're rather an imbecile when it comes to potions."

"Because I don't try!" Frannie snapped before she could stop herself. Seeing Severus's gaze light up in surprise, she shook her head, rubbing her temple. "Sorry. I mean I had a really excellent tutor in the past. I can manage." She smiled slightly, remembering all the hours she had spent with the man snapping at her every move.

Severus surveyed her expression before giving a small shake of his head. "Fine. I can only do Friday's. And we need somewhere safe."

Frannie grinned, resisting the urge to throw her arms around his shoulders. "Great! I can handle that," she beamed.

Severus curled his lip, not looking all too pleased. "Just don't make me regret this." He turned on his heel, his cloak flapping as he disappeared into the throng of students.

"What was that about?" Lily frowned as Frannie approached her, her hair pulled back in a simple plait.

Frannie chewed on her lip, sensing the tension in her friend's shoulders as she led them towards the Great Hall. "I just had to ask Severus a few things." She paused, evening her tone in an attempt to sound nonchalant. "Did something happen between you two?"

Lily frowned, a crease growing between her brows as she shifted the books in her arms. "We used to be the best of friends," she admitted, "until fifth year he called me a.." the Gryffindor broke off, looking very uncomfortable.

"A what?" Frannie pressed, trying to ignore her guilt at prying. Maybe she could fix Severus's damaged relationship with the girl. For the future happiness of all Hogwarts students who suffered his wrath.

Lily looked down at the cobblestone floor, scuffing it with the heel of her shoe. "A mudblood," she whispered, her voice catching on the end of the word.

Frannie frowned, thinking back to the countless times she had heard Draco use the slur. "That's it?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Lily snapped, her emerald gaze flashing in fury as she slammed her books down on the windowsill. "Not foul enough for you?"

"NO!" Frannie's eyes widened in horror as she took a step forward, attempting to place a reassuring hand on the redhead's arm. "It's just nearly every Slytherin uses it on the everyday occasion. That doesn't make it right," she quickly added, her curls falling into her face, "But to lose a friendship over it?" She shook her head. "Was there more?"

There was a moment of silence as Lily's gaze grew colder, the redhead standing stiffly as the crowds began to thin. "You know, I thought you were tolerable," she hissed, her freckles more prominent on her flushed cheeks, "but if you can't understand how that.. word.. makes muggleborns feel like filth when they already feel like they're entering the wizarding world at a disadvantage, then I don't know if we should be friends." She spun on her heel, heading in the opposite direction. "And what would you know about Slytherins anyways?"

Frannie watched the redhead storm off, her mouth hanging open slightly as she wondered what to do. It didn't look like Severus's love life was improving anytime soon. She should even be meddling to begin with?

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