Chapter 28- Outwitting the Goblins (which is actually ruddy hard- Padfoot)

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Frannie sighed, watching as Sirius transformed into a large black dog, panting heavily in a small alcove in Diagon Alley. She peered around the corner, watching for Regulus to give the signal as his cloaked figure disappeared up the front steps of Gringotts. Draco followed close behind, his hair lengthened to look exactly like his father's. Several groups of wizards mingled between them, some chatting happily and others glaring at each other in competition. A few even hung back on the outskirts of the alley, dressed in black and holding nasty expressions.

"I don't like this," she looked at Sirius, chewing on her lip as she touched the silver chain in her pocket, bringing it up towards her throat. "Just promise you'll still love me if I end up a specky, wrinkled git."

The dog let out a low woof, glaring at her with a silver gaze. Frannie took that for a no.

"What other choice do I have?" she squared her shoulders, clasping the chain around her neck and closing her eyes, picturing Griphook. Her memory was still rather hazy from being in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor, but she would never forget those traitorous eyes.

Sirius let out a growl and Frannie opened her gaze, holding a finger to her lips as she shook her head at her father. She was now barely eye level with the bottom of the window sill of Flourish and Blotts. Standing on her tiptoes, she let out a little scream of horror.

Her face had widened considerably, covered in wrinkles and strange bumps. Her ears were long and pointed, extended from the sides of her head as a clump of wiry hair sprouted from the back. She tried to smile, revealing a set of pointed teeth.

Sirius whined, shaking his mangy head from side to side in disapproval.

Frannie raised an eyebrow. "Must be your genes." She frowned, as the voice that came from the thin and scaly lips was her own. Clearing her throat, she gave another swallow and imagined the cool, conniving tone of goblins. "Right this way."

She gave a last look over her shoulder before hurrying down the street, bypassing the main doors of Gringotts and approaching a small square of wall on the west side, barely visible behind a layer of rubbish and bins.

"Fran?" Lily ducked out from behind a moth-eaten armchair, her eyes widening as she took in Frannie's new appearance. "How on earth—"

"I'll explain later," Frannie promised, trying to avoid thinking of Severus. It only made her think of James and the two of them hadn't spoken since that night. She was hopelessly worried about the rest of the group, who had gone after Marvolo's ring. "Is this the right place?" she looked at the wall skeptically. It looked rather sturdy to her.

"Yes," Lily nodded, pulling her hair back behind her ears. "Remus and I studied the blueprints for ages. Every other area of wall has some sort of object leaning against it from the inside and the protective barriers seem to nearly disappear," she prodded her wand towards the stone. "At this point."

Frannie sucked in a deep breath, reaching out a gnarled hand. "Well, here goes nothing." To her relief, her hand sank into the white marble, completely disappearing into the surface. "It's like the barrier to platform 9 ¾!"

"Apparently goblins invented that one too," Lily gave a small nod as she stepped backwards, giving Frannie room to press her whole body through. "But this entrance only lets goblins in. I'm not quite sure what you used to change your appearance, but it's powerful." She gave a small nod at the dog. "Sirius and I will wait here in case there's any trouble."

Frannie smiled grimly, pressing her shoulder into the wall and nearly disappearing as she sent her friend a mischievous look. "Trouble's my middle name."

Pushing through the barrier, Frannie nearly stumbled into a row of shelves towards the back of the lobby. Goblins walked to and from at a quick pace, carrying various objects and barking orders at each other.

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