Chapter 31- Scars

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Frannie looked around the Room of Requirement, letting out a sigh of relief as her gaze fell on her mother. Marlene looked back to her usual spunky state, flicking Sirius on the head as he leaned over on the couch they shared, giving a low growl.

"Reg," Draco glanced up at the younger Black, his tone business-like. Frannie had rarely seen her cousin smile these days. "Any word on the locket?"

Regulus nodded stiffly. "You were right. The Dark Lord approached my parents, asking to borrow Kreacher next week for a 'special' task." His brow furrowed. "Mother was thrilled."

"Of course, she was," Sirius rolled his eyes, disgust on his face. "Sending innocents into certain peril seems to be her specialty."

Regulus ignored his brother's comment, turning to address Frannie. She felt a flash of surprise. Normally, her uncle made it a point to avoid her. "Is he.." Regulus's voice warbled for an instant and the boy cleared his throat in embarrassment. "Is he going to hurt Kreacher?"

"Don't tell me you actually like that sniveling git," Sirius shook his head, pulling his hair back into a low ponytail. "Made my childhood miserable!"

"Not this time," Frannie smiled reassuringly at her uncle, feeling odd when she remembered she was older than he was. "In the past, he survived but the Dar—Voldemort made him drink a sort of potion that tortures the user and then left him there to die."

James frowned from where he stood beside her, his arms folded over his chest. "What're we gonna do? Grab the potion out of Voldy's hand?" Noticing the glare Frannie sent him, he gave her a sheepish grin. "No offense, love."

Frannie rolled her eyes, shoving the Gryffindor with her shoulder. "No, we're going to wait until Voldemort leaves." She grimaced, feeling a stab of guilt. "Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way we can keep Kreacher from drinking the potion because we need Voldemort to leave the Horcrux behind, thinking it's well protected. But the second he's gone we go in and grab Kreacher and the locket."

"What's the catch?" Sirius narrowed his silver gaze, pulling Marlene closer. "It can't be that easy."

Frannie bit her lip, casting her gaze downwards. "Inside the cave is a lake filled with Inferi." Lily and Remus paled, while her father just looked confused. "Dead bodies controlled by dark wizards," she added.

"Of course," Sirius rolled his eyes, looking more annoyed than disturbed. "Voldy really can't give us a break."

Frannie noticed Lily shivering in the cold room, the fireplace not quite sufficient to heat the space. She pulled off her robes without thinking, handing them to the redhead. "Here, I don't need them for once," she teased, although her expression fell at the horrified look in her friend's eyes. "What? Did—" she looked down self-consciously, realizing she had only an emerald tank top underneath.

"What the bloody hell is on your arm?" Sirius lunged forward, grabbing her wrist harshly.

Frannie winced, her gaze falling on the scarlet letters than refused to fade into her pale skin, running from the top of her shoulder nearly to her wrist. BLOODTRAITOR. She pulled away from her father, tucking her arm behind her back. "It happened a long time ago. It's fine."

"It is not fine!" James shook his head, his hazel gaze flashing in the firelight. "Who did this to you?"

Frannie stood her ground, lifting her chin determinedly. "I told you, I'm fine." Her mouth quirked into small smile. "I like that arm better than the other one anyways," she ran her fingers through the air above the dark mark.

"How bad was it?" Peter leaned forward and Frannie could see he was struggling to fight the fear in his eyes. "The war?"

Frannie let out a sigh, gazing at Draco for support. "At first, it depended on what side you were on and how much you got involved. But by the end, no one was safe. That said, the good guys always have it harder Pete. Because they're fighting for something beyond themselves." She traced the R on her arm, shivering as she remembered the blade that pierced her skin. "Draco has scars too. We all did."

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