Chapter 34- A Prophecy Comes True (no thanks to Trelawny)

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Frannie and Lily approached the back of a large crowd of students, who had gathered in the Great Hall. Everyone was battle worn and covered in dust and injuries. Mary and several other healers rushed back and forth between bodies lying on the floor, their expressions grave and frazzled.

"OI! LISTEN UP!" James climbed on top of the Gryffindor table, waving his arms in the air as the students began to quiet, turning to face the Head Boy. Frannie noticed a long gash on his leg. "I know you're terrified right now," he looked around the room, his gaze resting on Frannie briefly with a faint smile. "And that's okay. Be scared." He narrowed his eyes, pushing his cracked glasses back up his nose. "But then find faith that things will be okay. That you're fighting for something worth dying for." He looked over at the rows of wounded. "If we don't give everything we have, then what's the point?" He raised his fist in the air as the sound of an explosion filled the air, shattering a few of the windows. "Be strong. You're not alone."

Sirius gave a great battle cry as he led a stampede out the door, brandishing his wand in the air bravely. Frannie felt her chest swell with joy as she watched Remus and Peter help a few Hufflepuffs up the stairs, deflecting several curses flashing their way.

"Shouldn't we lock the Slytherins up?" a burly sixth-year shouted, a Gryffindor crest gleaming on his robes. "They'll only betray us."

"HOLD ON!" Zabini raised his wand, a dark scowl on his face. "I didn't ask for this any more than you—"

"ENOUGH!" James snapped, jumping down from the table and placing himself between the bickering boys. "We can't win if we stand divided." He fixed the Gryffindor with a glare. "If they betray us, so be it. I'm willing to take that chance. But I met a Slytherin who was the bravest person I know. And I'm betting that he's not the only one with a change of heart."

Frannie beamed with pride as she grabbed James's hand, pulling him down with her as they stood guard at the entrance to the Great Hall, shooting a round of jinxes at an approaching wave of Death Eaters. "Perhaps you should be the next minister," she panted, narrowly dodging a bright red jet of light. "You give some wicked speeches."

James wrinkled his nose in repulsion, throwing a reductor curse at the ground and causing the stone to crack and crumble into a deep pit, swallowing several Death Eaters. "Years of desk work? I don't think so." He panted, pulling Frannie down as he cast a powerful shield charm. "I swear the Ministry makes up arguments just so they look like they solved something."

Frannie stiffened as a pale figure strode through the main doors, his hair a dark brown and his eyes a deep red. From the outside, Voldemort looked completely at ease as his followers dueled around him, but Frannie could see the pain in his eyes. Apparently the lose of his horcruxes had weakened him.

"Welcome back, Tom."

Suddenly, the battle halted as every witch and wizard turned to look at the grand staircase in anticipation. Dumbledore smiled down at the dark wizard, although there was only sadness in his gaze as he looked at his star pupil. "Although I daresay, it isn't exactly how you pictured."

"Dumbledore," Voldemort hissed, his scarlet eyes flashing in hatred as his fingers tightened around his wand.

The headmaster began to walk down the staircase, his hand tracing the rail frailly. "Enough of this madness, Tom. You know you cannot hope to win.

Anger flared in Voldemort's gaze as he sneered darkly, his features twisting unpleasantly. "It seems I have already won. Look around at your precious castle," he hissed, twirling his wand in his hands. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Tell me, what do your students think of their indestructible headmaster? Now that he was been revealed to be nothing more than an old fool?"

"I may be an old fool," Dumbledore drew a wand from inside the sleeve of his robes and Frannie's eyes widened in realization. It was the Elder Wand. From the look on Voldemort's face, it seemed he knew it too. "But I do not take the powers working in this world lightly. For you see, Tom, the only thing truly immortal is lo—"

"Oh, don't give me your love rubbish," Voldemort snarled, raising his wand as fighting began to break out once more. "It obviously has failed you."

Frannie lost track of Dumbledore's response as she sent a dark hex at Fenrir Greyback, her eyes narrowing as the wolfish man stumbled, a pair of antlers protruding from his skull.

"WHY ISN'T MOONY HERE TO SEE THIS?" James cried, watching as Greyback let out a roar of pain, clutching at his head. "IT'S A RATHER UGLY PRONGS!"

Frannie smiled slightly, her head still buzzing with the memory of Draco's eyes.


She barely registered Sirius's yell before a large body leapt onto hers, throwing her to the ground. Greyback bared his fangs as he snarled in her face, his breath putrid.

"You'll pay for that one, lovely."

Frannie squirmed as his claws dug into her shoulder, letting out a scream as they began to hit her bone.


Fenrir roared as a series of deep cuts appeared on his face, another curse blasting him backwards into a Gryffindor banner as Peter waved his wand protectively over Frannie, glancing down at her with a pale face.

"Are you okay?"

Frannie's vision swam as she saw Remus approach Greyback, a great rage flickering in his eyes. "Thanks, Peter," she whispered, reaching up for the boy's hand.


She watched through a pained haze as Voldemort whipped his wand, sending a bright green bolt directly at Dumbledore's chest. The headmaster waved his hand, creating a burst of golden light that soared into the dark curse. They imploded on impact, producing a wave of shimmering radiation that rebounded back into the bodies of both wizards, throwing them backwards into the stone walls.

There was a great silence as there was no movement from either Voldemort or Dumbledore, their bodies empty husks for souls that longer resided there.

Frannie closed her eyes, the words from another lifetime echoing in her ears.

Neither can live while the other survives.

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