~ Chapter 1 ~

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Currently Editing Story

Planet Earth

A sharp, burning pain shoots up my back-struts. Quickly I online my optics and look around frantically to where I am.

A small, tiny and squishy container, all with metal walls. There was barely enough room to move.

What the fr - A loud beeping noise and audio-receptor screeching voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Proximity warning! Proximity warning! Proxim - "

I slam my small fist into the speaker beside my helm, smashing it and creasing the noise. Now I can concentrate and figure out what the pit is happening.

I glance around at the unfamiliar controls in front of me, the different colours and symbols. In a sudden helm-pounding moment everything flashes back to me and I remember where i was.

In an emergency pod.

I know that it can fly however I have no idea how to fly this thing. I vent heavily, processor thinking of options, as I run a servo over my faceplate and feel the deep scar over my optic.

Maybe I can find the button to open the door?

I shuffle slightly towards the controls, clicking a few random buttons hopefully as an image from a video camera outside the pod pops up on a screen. It shows a planet I'm heading towards, small, blue and green.

I close my optics for a brief second, risk crashing or jump out?

Mulling over my options I look at the side of the pod to my left, punching it as hard as I can. It left a fair dint but didn't show any sign of breaking. I groan as I think about the risk of shooting in such a confined space.

Instead of shooting down the door I decide to cut it open. Drawing a dagger which was hidden underneath the armour of my near my servos.

I stab it with all my strength into the side of the pod, ripping it downwards then to the right, before I push against the cut metal. Pushing it open.

Squeezing through the gap I begin to online the magnets in my pedes. As I pull myself out of the pod I magnet my pedes to the pod, feeling the burning hot pain.

Gritting my dentas together as they grind together I muster my will power to hold on until I'm closer to the planet.

Lowering my body into a crouching position I touch a few digits to the pod to keep balance. Watching the planet I began seeing organic organisms, an organic planet.

Most in the universe were either organic or dead.

The ground begins to get closer and closer as bits of metal begin to peel off, soon I'll be going with it. My pedes were burning and digits were beginning to as well.

Time to let go.

I disconnect the magnets in my pedes as I jump off, preparing for impact.

Before I noticed, something slammed into my back and I heard a loud snap. Snaps echoed through my audios as they finally stopped and I stopped moving.

I moaned in pain as I begin sitting up, feeling the ground beneath me shift.

Around me were native organic organisms that seemed to be plants and not intelligent.

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