~ Chapter 20 ~

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I wanted to say this, in case anyone is confused. In the present, this book so far has been set in season one, between the episodes Loose Cannons and Crossfire, if you can remember, Crossfire is when Breakdown was deactivated, so now it's set just after that.

Italics are the past (in case some didn't know) normal is the present and bold is authors note.

Now continue:

~ ~ ~

Dive in Deeper

"Ah don't need ta see a medic! Ah'm fraggin' fine!"

"Calm down Sun-"

"No! Ye calm da frag down!"

Sideswipe sighed, "Sundown."

"Ah'm fine!" She yelled at him, before pacing, a habit she picked up from Sideswipe. "Ah don't need ta beh seen by anybot! Ah'm fine!"

"Your not proving your case much." Sideswipe muttered, trying to calm her and wishing Sunstreaker was here, maybe they both could get her to settle down.

Sundown closed her optics briefly. "Ah'm fine."

"Sundown please!"

"No!" She snapped again, her optics flashing angrily as she rose a fist, shaking it at him, a habit from Sunstreaker.

"Ah'm not seein' ah damn doctor! Ah'm fine ye're overreactin'!"

"Sundown!" Sideswipe snapped, glaring at her. "You are seeing a damn doctor and that's final!"



Sundown began reaching for a chair, as Darkstinger opened the door, "is everything alright? I heard yell- FRAG!"

Sundown threw the chair at Darkstinger, as he ducked, barely missing it as it slammed into the wall behind him, snapping into two.

As Sundown death glared Darkstinger, Sideswipe took the opportunity, he sprung from where he stood, his arms wrapping around Sundown's torso as he let their weight crash them to the floor.

Sundown began to shove and push, Sideswipe quickly used his servos and legs to pin hers down so she couldn't move.

She thrashed around, but couldn't get free of the much heavier frame. "Get off meh!"

"Sundown!" Sideswipe snapped, "calm the frag down!"

Sundown continued to thrash around, Sideswipe let her use all of her energy till she had barely any. "Now will you calm down?"

She gritted her dentas together, but nodded. "Good." Sideswipe stood and stepped over Sundown as she also stood, glancing at Darkstinger in the doorway - and now Sunstreaker - before looking back at Sideswipe.

"I know you don't like going to see a doctor or medic -"

"I despise it." Sundown snapped.

"But -" Sunstreaker cut in, walking forward with his arms crossed, "- you are going anyway." Sundown went to protest, to which Sunstreaker sent a warning glare "Your behaviour has completely changed, your attitude and your emotions change within a moment. A doctor will know why and what we can do to help."

Sundown sighed, her shoulders sagging as she let herself fall back into a chair, "fine."

"Is that a promise you'll go?"

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