~ Chapter 26 ~

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'Cause I'm Broken I know I Need You Now

When Knockout had heard he had a new appointment for the next day, needless to say he was a bit shocked, especially when he found out that it was a new Decepticon, and even more so when he found out it was a femme.

Knockout then, as he would do with every new Decepticon, he looked up her medical history in the ships files. After searching for awhile he finally found 'Lithiuma'.

Since he didn't have access to any other records other then her medical history, the only folders that popped up are Physical and Psychological.

Like always, he clicked on the Physical first. Finding nothing there, apart from a few tire fixes and engine upgrades, he went into the Psychological folder, expected it to either be blank or say psychopath, as most Decepticons were.

He was surprised when all these mental illnesses popped up as his optics widened and scanned over the information, he was going to have his servos full.

Maybe with one or two he'd have his servos full but with six possible disorders and illnesses? He was doomed.

Knockout sighed heavily, closing the screen down as he began to turn and walk towards a door on the other side of the room.

Insanity? That was common, but most with insanity would rarely survive any battles. Psychopathic tendencies? It wasn't common or uncommon it was really in between. Schizophrenia, was rare and made 'bots normally unpredictable. Psychosis episodes was a big problem. Bipolar also made her unpredictable and being a sociopath? He'd have to be extremely careful to not let his guard down.

Sending a silent message to the Medbay, the lights began to dim as the door in front of Knockout opened, revealing his personal quarters.

Luckily for Knockout - since he was the only medic on the ship, he got his own room, unlike the drones who had to sleep with six or so cramped up in a small room, and the best part; he had his own personal wash racks which were quite large, comfortably could fit three frames in there.

Knockout sighed, he was glad he had the room but it seemed so large now and . . . empty.

Ever since Breakdown was killed the room always seemed depressed, it seemed too large and immediately after his death Knockout couldn't even recharge in here, he slept on the berth in the Medbay which was meant for patients.

Knockout sighed again, he felt so lonely, so lost, being the only medic also had its downside, he didn't have anyone to talk to, with Breakdown at least he'd listen, and try to even understand. Knockout still remembered whenever he was 'down in the dumps' Breakdown would try and cheer him up.

Knockout collapsed on his berth, the berth's frame rattling against the metal wall as Breakdown glanced over at his partner.

"You alright?"

Knockout didn't reply as he turned over and sat up, leaning against the wall as he stared at the roof above him.

Breakdown casted a worried glance at his friend before he thought of an idea, standing up and off the chair he walked over to Knockout and grabbed his wrist, pulling him up and almost making him stumble over.

Knockout looked up at the ex-wrecker as he narrowed his optics at him, he pulled his wrist back as he growled under his breath. "Frag off."

Breakdown rolled his optics, "come on, I've got to take you somewhere."

Knockout frowned, before crossing his arms, turning his helm away. "No."

Breakdown groaned, he was acting like adolescent femme. "Knockout, you're in a bad mood, do you want to talk about it?"

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