Chapter 4

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"Can you tutor him??"


"Yes you heard that right" Mr.Choi the math and science teacher told Ni-ki as he held back the two after class was over.

He had heard about Ni-Ki's reputation at his other schools and needed to find someone that can help him.

"Sunoo can you tutor Riki. Because you have some of the best grades of the class and he need some help"

Sunoo was silent while Ni-ki was not having it.

"Sir out of all students why him??" Ni-ki complained while he and the teacher exchange not so friendly stares.

"Like I said he has some of the best grades. He can help you with a lot young man" Mr.Choi argued back while Sunoo just sat and stared.

"I'll do it" Sunoo responded to the teacher leaving Ni-ki speechless.

"You can't force me into this" Ni-ki tried to argue but in the end he already lost the argument.

"Too late Mr.Nishimura I already talked with your mother and cousin, you are doing this." Mr.Choi finally said leaving Ni-ki silent as his attention went back to Sunoo.

"Does an hour after school everyone second school day work for you Sunoo?" Mr.Choi asked Sunoo who was unsure about his decision now as he thought very carefully.

All he could do in the end was just nod leaving the teacher proud and Ni-ki not so excited.

"Ok then... we start today" Mr.Choi announced as the two boys were shocked at the news.

"WHAT!? TODAY!?" Ni-ki blurted out as Mr.Choi escorted the two out of the room into the library.

The two sat down at the library table as Sunoo opened a textbook while their teacher exit the library leaving the two alone.

"I hope he changes him" Mr.Choi said to himself while walking out the library doors.

"Tch this is lame" Ni-ki got up ready to leave.

"Ah ah ah" Sunoo hummed grabbing Ni-ki's headphone, slipping it off his neck.

"Hey! Give that back" Ni-ki said angrily as he reached for his headphones but Sunoo out them in his own back pack while keeping it away from Ni-ki.

"I'll give them back to you after we study" Sunoo said trying to remain calm.

"Ugghhhh your twice as annoying as this goddamn class" Ni-ki said as he sat down while brushing his hair out of his face.

Sunoo looked at him as he was doing so and sort of admired his facial features but quickly caught himself staring before Ni-ki could notice.

"Alright flip to page 12 and read whats on it" Sunoo commanded as he shoved the book into Ni-ki's face.

Annoyed Ni-ki skimmed through the page and handed it back to Sunoo, telling him he finished.

"What it say?" Sunoo asked, expecting an answer from Ni-ki but Ni-ki was silent.

"See you didn't actually read the page. You just skimmed it. Now read it through again until you can give me something important out of that page"

"Do I have to do this!? This is all so stupid" Ni-ki grumbled while slouching down in his seat.

"Unless you don't want your headphones back then I suggest you get reading mister" Sunoo said with such seriousness in his voice.

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