36. Fight Club

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Emara Stone

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Emara Stone

I can't believe he took me to a stupid fight club with his ducklings. Terrible idea for a first date.

My heart rattles in my ribs as I look around frighteningly. Vehicles and vehicles are parked in a line as if we entered a forest themed car showroom.

People are following one after another like ants to the main entrance of what looks like an old warehouse. "Do you think he would have come?" Mendes asks somewhere from behind me.

Silence percolates in the car, Ryan rubs his index finger on his plum lips as he continues to stare at the dim light of the entrance. Blue light from the dashboard falls on his front page of the magazine face and I feel my stomach swimming inside of me. This bitch is so pretty!

Ryan's gaze slowly shifts to me, I find my confidence shut downing as he looks deep into my puppy eyes. A wolfish grin dances on his evil sexy lips as he whispers darkly, "He will come."

It's night, it's true.
The light is blue.
I am here new.
So he is who?

I jump in surprise as suddenly Ryan's phone rings, he lazily picks it up and takes his time to listen to the person on the other side of the phone all while staring at me. I gulp nervously as I watch his pointed adam's apple bobbing up and down while he speaks, "Yea, I am coming."


I squirm on my seat feeling the crush anxiety kicking in. Bitch, breathe in, breathe out.

Ryan looks back at his piglets and gives them a short nod. Like a virtual mind link, they all nod back and open their doors in unison. I watch them in awe as they all walk out of the car at the same time like filthy rich people in movies.

Oh shit! I am late.

I walk out of the car last, feeling highly tiny and invisible in between them. Ryan leads the way to the warehouse and we silently follow him like a pack of wolves. Am I part of the group now?

I cover my head with the hoodie, hiding my hair and face as I follow their steps into the dark. Cutting the line, Ryan directly walks up to the two hefty men dressed up in black clothes who are stopping everyone for identification.

My feet halt and I look up from my hoodie as we get stopped suddenly. "Password." The man with a thick nose and thicker lips asks the invincible dark prince.

Ryan frowns, eyeing the man with a hostile gaze as he grits slowly, "I rock... And you suck."

I take a silent gasp of inspiration as I witness the coolest thing of my whole flushing life. This is it. The words go on repeat mode in my head as my hidden composer rises from somewhere beneath me and in a minute I compose a billboard hit song.

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