20. Ryan's Ass

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Emara Stone

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Emara Stone


His cold voice sends ripples of chills down my spine, a voice with authority and power that could shake the ground like a storm. His shiny emeralds store lava behind them as they menacingly gaze Ryan with an intensity that could melt steel. 


Ryan curses staring at the mysterious guy. His fists are clenched tightly as if he is holding a vicious demon inside of him who wants to tear the other guy's chest with his bare hands and drink his raw blood. Like human cannibalism.

A hot guy eating another hot guy!

"Haha!" The hot guy with eight pack abs fake laughs loudly as he sneers, "Why do you always have a stick up in your ass?" Ryan's jaw twitches brutally, blue veins pop out of his skin as he tries to controls the maniac inside him. 

"Yeah, man! Chill." The blonde guy chuckles, I lower my head and purse my lips hard so no Dracula laugh escapes from my mouth. Ryan's jaw clenches and he grits, "I did try to take it out once but that stick looked like you so I placed it back in my asshole where it belongs." 

My eyes shoot up to check if he is joking, but nahh... his usually stone-cold face is still on. The mysterious guy narrows his eyes at him and a wicked smile breaks on his face, "Then it must be very hard to sit and walk around coz you know I am tall and broad." 

I silently scoff. Damn these guys deserve their own TV shows!

Is this something new I am witnessing or this is how boys greet each other? I suddenly feel like to order popcorn, sit back on a recliner, and watch them talk all day about my favorite topic, that is Ryan's ass. Or maybe I'll just smack his tushie to see how pulpy it is.

Ryan smugly shrugs the other guy's comment as he shakes his head and spats, "Nah! It only hurts when I shit coz there is already one big shit choked up in my ass." I couldn't help but imagine Ryan's butthole in between his squishes. Cute, right?

The other guy scoffs ridiculously, "Told ya, I am broad." My eyes wander his unholy large shoulders, I couldn't help but notice how tight his white shirt is, it appears as if he wore a smaller size. The shape of his biceps is clearly visible along with his well-built chest that is intimidating my poor vagina. I want my guards to be like him.

Suddenly my ovaries scream as his toxic green eyes fall hard on me. I couldn't move as if his stern gaze froze my limbs with its deadly poison. I feel like I am standing naked in front of him, his penetrative x-ray eyes slowly get lower to my kiss tee, stomach, and hips as if checking for explosive weapons or probably counting number of my bones.

"So who is your new plaything?" The guy with eight pack abs asks Ryan with a grin on his straight face. Is he asking about me? "She is Stacey... from Boobie Bungalow strip club." The blonde guy with tattoos blurts excitedly. What the fuck!

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