45. Let's Play a Game

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Emara Stone

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Emara Stone

I take a deep breath and again go through the questions, one by one. My sharp eyes look for an easy one or anyone which I remember studying. But alas! I didn't study last night, because I was busy fucking writing the answer papers ten FUCKING times.

Ducking Precisely! I hope he gets incarnated as my ass.

I look around the exam hall in horror as I see everyone mindfully writing in their answer sheets. My gaze meets Hardick's and I control my sobs as his poor eyes helplessly stare at me from twenty feet away.

Holy balls! I am gonna fail.

I won't be able to see the fresh new class of the second year or smell the pages of new books that I am never going to read. Only if crying was a contest, I would be a ranker too.

Suddenly, a pen falls beside my left feet and my peculiarities pick it up. I unfold the paper that was stuck into the pen's cap and read the text.. T, T, T, T, F, T, T, F, F, F

My eyes light up as I see the answers of first ten True/False questions, and look straight at the pen's owner. Hardick smiles at me as I mutter a heartily thank you at him.

God bless Hardick with a girlfriend and knowledge of how to use his prick.

Now I need only fifteen more marks to pass.

. . .

Exams are like dementors. they suck away your happiness and leave you with the dreadful result memories that would make you feel empty and depressed.

It's been two exams and I already feel drained of my intelligence. I wonder how I will make through the whole hell of a week.

"I was wondering if I should marry some old rich guy rather than giving exams.. Because I don't see my graduation ceremony happening anytime now." I tell Ana over the phone as I change into my night jumper.

"Are you thinking about Ryan again?" She guesses in a breath.

"No! In fact, he is not even that old." I tell her. And I meant legit old, ancient, die in a few months old man.

"Emara, listen." And I listen carefully, "Date a lot of guys before you get married." Ana says in her expert's advice.

"What if I find the one in the first go?" I let my hair loose and lie on my bed under the aesthetic moonlight. "If you just date one guy, how will you know what qualities you like or dislike in your man?" Ana fluently speaks with facts.

I hear a movement and my head swiftly turns towards the noise. Something moves outside my window in the dark and the hair at the back of my neck erects in fear.

Is this the night I die?

"It's like collect, collect, and select." Ana speaks through the speaker as I silently wait for the attack. The branches outside my window rustles wildly and a dark shadow slowly creeps in.

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