26. Deep Throat

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Ryan Damison

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Ryan Damison

"What if she rejects me?"

I take a long drag from the joint, consuming the smoke deep in my lungs. The weed hits right at the spot, where I want it to be. I stay stoned on the spot, oblivion to the people around me and what they are talking about.

"You can never get rejected if you don't ask her out." Ken smokes up as he gives his priceless advice. 

"Just start behaving like you are in a relationship with her and if she liked you, she will start behaving like yo girlfriend too."

What the hell are they talking about?

"What if she doesn't behave like my girlfriend, then?"  

"Then she will tell her brother and he will come to beat yo ass." Ken says while gently grooming his ginger beard.

"What if she doesn't have a brother?"

"Then her dad will beat yo ass." Ken is not only a friend but also my manager and owner of underground fights. It all started with him fighting for bets and little cash. He was known as an Alpha, a beast who couldn't be defeated.

*Conversation in background*

"Bro, if the romance leads to marriage, then where does the bromance leads to?"

"To the butt stuff, Thomas."

Ken hardly lost any fight. He was fierce, his moves were turbo and feral, something that couldn't be interpreted before the strike. He was the Alpha of underground fights for a decade until he took a retirement.

"The hallmark of a great relationship is anal."

And now, with all that money he owes mansions, imported cars, real estates, and he turned his old past-time hobby into a fight clique. 

Wolfram, an illegal fight club operated and controlled under Ken's fingers where he earns millions of dollars from other people's pain and punches. Ken is a legend, and there is no doubt.

"Bro, are straight people too flavorless for gays?" Curiosity drips like a drool from Shawn's face as he sits on a blue chair, wearing a navy blue shirt and ruffling through his blue hair on top. Motherfucker!

"I don't think so dude, gay guyz have hit on me many times. I think they think I am hot."

"Oh mahn! Me too." "Yeah bro, that's totally me." "Me."

"Wait... Who here kissed a dude? Or kissed by a dude?"

Suddenly, I hear a pin drop silence. I look up and see all the guys raising their hands in unison, looking at me weirdly. I raise my hand following them so they don't think I am not listening. "Yeah!" I nod.

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