24. You need Sex

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Ryan, the slayer of innocent girls and their flimsy hymens.

What a dickhead!

I can't believe he is hitting on a girl same as his sister's age. Probably three-four years younger than him. He really has weird kinks!

"What is your name?"

I look up at her, amusingly. Her tiny dress hardly captivates her alluring body, which is quite satisfying to watch. A smirk appears on my face as I feel the desperation in her voice, curious to know about me.

She caught my attention since the day I saw her with Ryan. Her innocent brown eyes were stealing glances at me in not so innocent way. 

"It's Dakota, love."

Suddenly out of nowhere the girl starts laughing, like a car's engine. Nonstop. I fold my arms, arch my eyebrow as I wait for her to shut up, but she continuously laughs like a brainless doll. As if someone put batteries in her and forgot to put a switch button.

I chuckle. Totally Ryan types.

Honestly, I am not interested in her. In fact, I don't even like her. 

She is so naive. And I don't like naive, Disney girls. She is so not my type.

But seeing Ryan being so much interested in this girl caused my curiosity to know more about her. After all, it's not everyday you catch him hiding a chick. Unless that chick is the hen that lays golden eggs.

That's why I bet on her. 

Because I love to see Ryan get pissed off and lose his brain. Sometimes, I just like to pull Ryan's strings to play my own tunes. 

"I am sorry... I ... Ha ha hhaaaaaaaahh!"

I look up at her, and she is still laughing. Her giggles echoes in the room reminding we two are alone... All alone and she is not much in her senses. 

What a silly girl.

"Bu-but isn't Dakota a girl's name." She chuckles. Her mouth is red and puffed up, I know she is not done laughing at me

"It's... Unisex." I tell her with my straight face. 

"You need sex?" She screams, her laughs stop and eyes widen like a chameleon. She really has balls to say that.

I intimidatingly narrow my eyes, "No... U-N-I-Sex." I spell it for her.

"You and I... sex?" She asks looking at me and then over the bed, probably imagining. Her chest continues to heaves heavily the longer her eyes stay on me. 

What is she doing? Trying to play dumb and get fucked.

My lips twitch upwards as I gawk at her sexually, "Are you offering?" Her breathing hike as she stares at me from infinity to beyond. Her eyes are swollen and lips parted, taking loud sharp breaths that can be heard in the entire room.

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