31. Spermatozoon

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Emara Stone

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Emara Stone

This son of a pitch!

Ethan's timing is worse than Team Rocket from Pokemon. At least they knew how to hide!

"This mother fucking cunt!" Ryan growls animalistically as he kicks the car door and climbs out dangerously. I flinch back in fear as I hear the thunderous voice of smashing the car's door beside me. I watch in absolute horror as the deadly devil with a war in his mind menacingly walks towards the cute lovey-dovey hugging couple.

"Oh no!" I panic like a freaked out cockroach as I climb out of the vehicle and follow the maniac. I stretch my dress so my vagina doesn't peek out as I try to pace with my tiny legs and save the day. Do not scream! Do not scream!

Do anything but please do not scream!

"Hey, you Bitchass!" Ryan snarls beastly. Instantly, our neighbors peek out from their window for some spice. I try to unborn, delete, disappear myself in the thin air of oxygen, carbon dioxide, neutrons, penguin, cupcakes as I stand there in an airtight dress in the middle of the street.

Please make me invisible, evaporate me.

Rose's neck cracks back and her face pales seeing her crazy brother on loose. With a murderous glare, Ryan strides towards Ethan and harshly pushes him off the beauty queen's arms. I along with my neighbors draw a deep breath as Ethan stumbles back on the bike and both falls on the ground with a loud noise.

"I hope you got your diapers on because you are about to shit your pants, bitch." Ryan growls while freely falling on Ethan and tackling him brutishly on our cemented pavement. "You lunatic. Get off me!" Ethan snarls while kicking aimlessly on Ryan's knees, thighs, shoes.

Horror! Games of Sister!

Rose screams as Ethan takes a barbaric punch straight on his nose, oozing droplets of blood everywhere. Energetically, Ryan again fists his hand and rams at Ethan's face. But in time, he ducks down like a speedy mouse and boots his knee in Ryan's Willy Wonka factory.

"Oooooh!" Me and the neighborhood oohs in unison.

"Fuck you fucking mother fucker!" Ryan howls in pain. He rolls on our parking lot clenching his hurt pee-pee. Ethan is so D-A-D now. Dead!

"What the hell is going on here?" My dad walks out in his Simpsons pajamas, annoyed as hell. He looks at both the boys on the floor hugging the ground and sighs heavily, "I can't even enjoy my peaceful coffee time on the toilet now, huh?"

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