52. Hungry Wolves

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Emara Stone

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Emara Stone

My heart sinks to my bladder and I clench my thighs together as I see him. Dakota frowns as he looks back at me with such toxic gaze that cuts through my skin like a sharp razor.

"Emara." He narrows his eyes and takes a silent step towards me like a predator. My muscle tenses as he takes his time and scan my body where my clothes fail to cover. No, I do not want any other member of Zydus's group here, especially not the deadliest one of all. Alpha.

I feel a sob breaking in my throat as his claw clenches my other arm and it burns immediately with his sinful warmth. My body shivers as he tightens his hold on to me while looking so deep that I feel my soul leaving my body.

"You wanna go first?" Zydick arch his eyebrow and smirks while he pushes me to the Alpha as a lamb of sacrifice. "You earned her from the bet anyway."

I fall on his hard chest with a gasp, followed by tears of humiliation of being passed on like an object. Dakota snakes his other arm around my waist and I could feel myself being coiled up in his poison.

Me, the little lamb surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves.

"That damn-son would be so pissed right now." I hear chuckles behind me and feel my heart sinking like Titanic after hitting the biggest iceberg of bad decisions.

I bite my lip as Dakota grazes his thumb on my wet cheeks and strides down on the edges of my jaw as if checking the product before buying. A pathetic sob breaks out from me as his finger glides down the nerves of my neck, touching me so intimately that I already feel taken.

I dare look up at him and bite my urges to scream at his cold-killer face. "Your keys?" He says while looking at me. I do not understand a thing but instead, I sniff my watery nose at him. What?

"Your car's key, Zydus?" Dakota looks up at his friend.

"Where you gonna take her?" I hear that dick's agitated voice and panic dances in me like Shakira. Am I getting sold or kidnapped or both?

"Keys. I won't ask again." Voice laced with poison rumbles out of Dakota's chest and my panties clench around my sex with the vibrations. His domineering personality left no place for a competition with Zydus or his tiny little dicks behind him. It's like a wolf versus a gang of Chihuahuas.

He will play, until he gets hungry.

Zydus grits his teeth in anger as if someone stole his meat that he caught, seasoned up, toasted on flames as he barks like an unfriendly dog, "You gonna take her back to that cop, won't you?" Crackers of hope burst in my chest and I look up to the warrior I had doubts in prior.

"She is my price and I can do anything with her. I won her anyway, right?" Dakota smirks and I find it rather threatening than amusing. But every time we met, he never tried to feel me or poured his shitty pickup lines on me. He was decent, like a covered banana, yellow from everywhere.

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