14. Coconut

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Emara Stone

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Emara Stone

I lazily lie back on the sand, there are two coconut shells on my breasts and palm leaves down covering my assets as a bikini. My eyes are closed totally in a relaxing position as I enjoy the beach and the sunlight, it's been months since I relished such a vacation.

Vacations are like drugs, they not only take away your money but give you an exotic experience, a thrill, a trip to adventurous places, sometimes to even jail and court. But I think that's what I need, a vacation in life. 

I twist and turn due to the itchy sand that goes into weird cracks of my body making me look like a twerking fish on land. "You should invest in stock markets." I hear the nail stylist who is currently doing my middle finger. 

There is a big aesthetic smile on her face as she cleans and shapes the nail with a filer. Her nails are longer and thicker than my fingers like a wolverine's claws still they finely hold the tiny nail filer in between them and shape my nails in a curve. Fascinating!

I sip my lemonade and look up at her smiling face while she eats leaves. Her whole face is covered in hair, along with her hands, breast, and knees. I wonder why she doesn't wax or shave?

Her lips are permanently curved up in a smile as I see her plucking more leaves from the tree in slow motion. I think she'll probably need plastic surgery to get that bigass smile off her face. 


My eyes twitch up in surprise as I open them, coconuts are gone, leaves are gone and that hairy nail artist is gone too. "Wake up! Its already 8:30 in the morning." Ethan growls like a Godzilla near my ear. I slowly escalate from the bed with my night hairstyle, my eyes run everywhere in the room. "Where is the lemonade?"  

"Lemonade? What are you talking about?" Ethan asks frustratingly. I rub my tired eyes with the back on my palm as I tell him, "I had the weirdest dream. A slot was doing my nails and she kept telling me that I should invest in the stock market."

Ethan blankly looks at me with his blue swollen eyes, his lower lip still has the deep cut due to the fight that makes him look like a dangerous gangster or a rapist. The only thing he lacks is a knife or a gun then he can go for a mafia photoshoot. "Take this with you." His book spins in circles and crash lands on my bed.

"What is this?" I ask his broken egg like face. "Java's lab manual. Submit it in the lab and don't forget to get it signed." He says then begins to walk away. "Hey, bu-but I am not going to college today." I would never go to that cursed land without the security of any guards. That tyranny Prince of Tomorrow Land must be waiting at the gate to chop off my head.

There is no way I am ever going to appear before him, I didn't accept nor replied to his DM. I am just going to pretend I didn't read his messages for the rest of my whole life. And about the draft, I have it all in my mind so I don't need the book either. Wow! I am so genius! 

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