Why Couldn't It Have Just Been a Wolf

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My head whips to the side as Jax lands a punch on my jaw. I smirk at him and round house kick his ass. Well, by ass I mean temple. We have be at this fight for a while now, neither of us willing to lose. We have gathered quite the crowd from both packs by now. White Stone Pack knows to take this as a learning opportunity and I can tell they are watching our techniques and skills. Blood Paw Pack is just staring at Jax and I, they mouths catching flies.

By now, I have some claw marks and bruises. I got Jax pretty good too. He has his lower leg broken and has healed wrong which causes him to limp. All the bruises I have gave him have healed pretty quickly all thanks to Max.

Jax lunges and punches at my flank, but I spin to the side, causing him to miss and I kick his lower back. Jax stumbles forward into a tree. I reach for my knife in my belt, but realize that I didn't put in on this morning. Great. I am so going to lose again without being able to use fire.

I run and body check Jax hard into the tree to hopefully disorient him. Jax stumbles slightly and I take the chance to kick his legs out from under him causing him to fall. I get on top of him, but I won't be able to keep him there for long. I may have pretty good strength but he is still stronger, so I have to be smarter.

Jax throws me off of him and I land hard on my back a few feet away. Jax is on top of me all I can think of is how much I wish I had my silver knife right now.

Jax's eyes go wide and he slides off of me to the ground. I look at him and notice that there is a knife embedded in his stomach. What happened? Who did that? I look around but everyone seems to be shocked. I look at Jax who is staring at me in wonder.

"What happened? Who did that?" I whisper to Jax so no one else can hear.

"That was you, where did you get that knife from?" He manages to groan out.

"I-I don't know," I breathe out.

I grip the knife from Jax's stomach and remove it. Jax is already healing from the wound slowly due to the silver. I drop the knife to the ground and I go to stand up when I realize that the knife is gone. Just poof. Vanished in thin air.

I look confused for a moment before wiping it off of my face. I hold out a hand for Jax which he takes and we begin to walk away from the crowd to the pack hospital in town. I can tell that Jax wants to ask about what happened and I know I owe him an explanation.

"What I am about to tell you, you have to keep a secret, okay?"

"Of course," Jax responds.

"Are you okay to sit for a moment?" I ask.

"Yes," he grunts as he hold his wound and sits on the ground. I sit across from him.

"Okay, this is hard to say, but I am just going to tell you." I take a breath, "I am a Mura."

Jax just stares at me with his emotionless face. I draw my eyebrows together as I watch Jax, who isn't moving an inch. He seems to be looking off into space for a moment as he communicates with Max. Jax then snaps out of his daze.

"Sorry, I just...did you say Mura?"

"Yes. I only found out a year ago."

"Why were you on earth for so long? Why were you in foster care?"

"I don't know. All I know is that I have been on earth for as long as I can remember without any family."

"Woah. Wait! Does that mean that you have wings?" Jax excitedly wonders.

"Yes, I do. I have only let them out once though and that was when I got them."

"On your eighteenth birthday?"

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