Chapter 5

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Suddenly I opened my eyes and I found myself in my bed, I immediately jumped up, felt the mattress and pinched my arm to make sure I was awake.
I wiped away my tears and looked at my watch, it marked ten past three in the morning, so I decided to go for a drink.
I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge and got some water.
I heard the door opening and I saw Loki entering.
-What...what are you doing here? -He asked, looking at me.
-I...I had a...nightmare and I wanted…I wanted some water.- I answered looking at him -You? - too...- he said, looking away.
-Do you want to tell me? Maybe you will feel better.-
-One of the usual nightmares with monsters chasing you, nothing too scary. You, instead?- He asked sitting down and I did the same.
-I was in New York and there was some rubble, then I saw the bodies of Steve, Natasha, Thor and dad, all lifeless, I was destroyed…- I felt my eyes sting at the memory of those images.
-Quiet, quiet...- he said, visibly embarrassed, and he put a hand on my shoulder -Then what happened? If you feel like it, huh.-
-Yes...- I said drying my tears and nodding -Someone was about to throw a bomb at me but you came and you...well...saved me...-
-Oh...interesting…but don't worry, they are smart people nothing will ever happen to them.- he said looking away -Come, I'll take you to your room.- he said getting up.
-You don't have to, I can do it myself, I don't want to bother you.- I smiled.
-No disturbance, really, your room is so close to mine.- he gave an imperceptible smile.
-Thank you Loki...for listening to me.-
-Anytime, kid, anyway do you feel better now?- He asked when we arrived in front of my room.
-Yes, much better.- then I yawned.
-You better go to bed or you won't be ready for training in the morning.-
-You are right, goodnight.-
-Goodnight little one.- he smiled, then I went into my room and went back to bed.
The next morning Jarvis made him suffer the alarm.
-Good morning, y/n, you should get up.-
-Good morning to you too, Jarvis. Another five minutes, please.- I said covering my face with the blankets.
-The others are waiting for you for breakfast.- he informed me, I grumbled and turned away.
After a while he heard a knock.
-Honey, are you awake? -
-Yes, dad, just a moment.- I got up and opened the door.
-Good morning, let's go have breakfast.-
-Good morning to you, dad.- I smiled and followed him into the kitchen.
I said hello to everyone and after breakfast I went to my room, washed, changed quickly, put on high-waisted black sweatpants and a white tank top, tied my hair in a high ponytail and went to the gym.
-Here she is. Are you ready?- Nat smiled at me.
-More or less.- I said looking around a bit nervous.
-So you will train every day with someone, but you will have Sunday free, since you will not fight with Bruce, for his anger issue.- he smiled.
-So no training today?- I asked.
-Today will be an exception. Then Steve will teach you stamina, Natasha to fight in general, Thor how to fight divine entities, Loki to train your mind and Peter to fight enemies from above.- Dad explained to me.
-And you, dad? - I asked.
-You will find out soon.- he smiled -Today you will start with a run with Steve.-
-Are you ready?- Steve asked.
-Of course Captain, let's go.- I smiled and we went out.
After about ten kilometers we decided to stop for a moment.
-Not bad for the first time.- he said, handing me a bottle of water.
-Thank you, you're not bad for being ninety, either.- I joked.
-I forgot you're Stark's daughter.- he said, laughing slightly.
-Anyway do you think that I will be able to become at least half of you strong?-
-You will become as strong as we are.- He smiled at me and put a hand on my shoulder.
-Thank you very much Steve.- then we continued the ride.
Around eleven we went home.
-How did you go?- Peter asked.
-Quite good.- I said throwing myself exhausted on the sofa.
-She did fifteen kilometers and she didn't complain, she was very good.-
-I honestly thought worse. Now I'm going to take a shower.- I said getting up.
-After lunch we go shopping, okay?- Natasha asked.
-It's fine Nat.- I smiled and went to the bathroom.
After the shower I went back to the others and we had a quick lunch.
-Dad, will you lend me your credit card?- I asked.
-Here, just one thing, do not drain the whole account, thanks.- he smiled at me.
-Thank you very much.- I said hugging him.
-Natasha, don't make her buy anything too short, low-cut or that could attract the attention of the boys.-
-I don't assure you anything, Stark. Bye.- Nat said and we went out.
We wandered around various stores and bought quite a few things, then stopped by Starbucks for a drink.
We returned to the Tower with two bags full of clothes.
-How much stuff did you buy?! - Dad asked seeing me.
-They were on sale.- I smiled at him -And then I start school, I didn't have many suitable clothes.- I shrugged.
-Okay okay. Go and tidy them up, we'll have dinner soon and then go to bed early.-
-Want a hand with that?- Peter asked.
-I would appreciate it very much, thanks Pete.- I smiled at him.
-Go easy kid, she's always my daughter.- Dad said.
-They're kids Tony, let them have fun.- Thor said laughing.
-What? Sorry?- Peter and I said blushing then we left embarrassed.
-Here we are.- He said placing the bags on the floor.
-Thank you Peter, really.- I smiled at him, he left and I began to arrange the clothes in the closet.

y/n Stark (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now