Chapter 13

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A few months passed and everything was going well.
The workouts paid off, we all got along well and I was happy to have the Avengers as a second family.
They were very understanding and protective of me, as if I were their younger sister, plus a new Avenger, Wanda, was added to our group and we got along very well.
There was only one problem.
I had a big crush on Loki.
Yeah, the God of mischief.
I knew Dad wouldn't approve, so I hadn't told anyone about it.
I couldn't understand his feelings for me.
Some days he was possessive and jealous, other days kind and understanding, still others aloof and cold.
Not being able to understand it bothered me tremendously, because in the days when he was jealous I deluded myself that he might feel something for me, but then, on time, he became cold, icy, and it was something that made me feel terrible and the memory of night we almost kissed it didn't help me at all.
With the passing of the weeks this discomfort of mine began to be noticed.
One Sunday morning I was lying in my bed and I didn't want to get up.
I heard a knock on the door.
-I'm Nat, can I come in?-
-I don't want to have breakfast...- I mumbled covering my face with the blankets.
-I just want to talk to you.- she said.
-Uh...okay, come in.- I said, turning away.
-Hey, good morning.- she said sitting next to me.
-Good morning...- I said looking at her.
-What do you have?- she asked direct -I don't accept a "nothing" as an answer.-
-I'm fine, Nat, really.- I tried to smile at her.
-Baby, you must understand that you behave strangely, we are all very worried. Me, your father, even your mother has understood that there is something wrong...-
-You don't need to worry...I'm fine.-
-Look me in the eye and tell me you're okay.- She said seriously.
-Nat...- I said lowering my gaze and I began to feel tears in my eyes.
-I'm here for you, to talk to me.- She said taking my hands in hers.
-Do you promise me you won't tell anyone?-
-I promise.- she smiled at me to reassure me and I began to tell her about the night Loki and I had danced, that Thor had seen us and my feelings in the last period.
-And that's all...- I concluded my story, for all the time I had spoken she had limited herself to listening to me and nodding -Don't tell dad.- I begged her.
-I won't do it, you can be sure.- she smiled at me -We help each other between girls, right?- she smiled at me.
-Yes.- I returned -Anyway I noticed something between you and Doctor Banner, am I wrong?- I smiled mischievously.
-It might be or maybe not...- she said mysteriously -Get dressed now and get out of this room, after we go for a ride me, you and Wanda. Ok?-
-Yes, okay.- I said -Will you help me decide what to wear?-
-Obviously.- she smiled at her and opened the closet and started pulling out lots of clothes -You should wear these.- she said handing me a short black sweatshirt, light high-waisted jeans and black Dr. Martens feet.
-What do you say?- I asked, looking in the mirror.
-I say you are beautiful.-
-Thank you very much Nat.- I smiled, we left my room and went to have breakfast.
-Good morning.- they all greeted me.
-Good morning everyone.- I said smiling.
-Are you ok? You made us worry.- Peter said coming towards me and hugging me.
-Hey, Pete I'm fine.- I said back.
-Yes, ok, all very nice but now break away.- Dad said -Would you like to tell us what happened?- he asked in a worried tone.
-I'm glad to see you look better, little Stark.- Thor said, ruffling my hair.
-Yes, we thought you didn't want to be with us anymore.- Steve said.
-Now I'm a little better, but I still don't want to talk about it.- I said looking down -No, Steve, I couldn't imagine my life without you all.-
-Natasha...- Dad called her.
-It's okay, Tony, nothing serious.- she smiled -But I promised her that I would not tell anyone. Wanda go to get ready that we go out.-
-Where are you going?- Loki asked.
-Out.- I said sitting down to have breakfast.
-So I'm going to get dressed.- he said getting up.
-You don't need to come, we can get by on our own.- I said.
-Yes, going out among girls.- said Wanda going to her room.
-Are you sure?- Bucky asked -I mean that Hydra knows I'm with you. I would not want something to happen to you.- he said in a worried tone.
-We'll get away with it, don't worry- Nat said.
-Yes, then why should they attack the three of us?- I asked, drinking some juice.
-They could threaten us.- Bruce said.
-Come to think of it yes.- Steve said, looking over everyone -They could do it.-
-Thinking like this I shouldn't even go to school anymore then, because they might try to kidnap me.- I said.
-Well...- Dad said, looking at me.
-No, dad I won't be locked in the house. Not another time.- I said banging my fists on the table.
-Don't bang your fists on the table!- he said.
-Do not raise your voice with me!- I said, getting up.
-Don't talk to me like that, miss! Now go to your room.-
-You can't treat me like I'm five!- I said, going out and slamming the door.
I waited for Nat and Wanda to arrive then we went for a ride downtown.
-Anyway, why didn't you feel well? You don't have to tell me, don't worry.- Wanda asked me and I explained the situation to her too.
-And I don't want dad to find out, I think he would kill him, I'm serious.-
-Yes, I think so too.- Nat said.
-Although I think he has to understand that it's your life and you can't stay under a glass dome.- said Wanda.
-I know, I'm trying to make him understand.- I said sitting on a bench.
The three of us sat down and started chatting.
As we were returning to the tower I noticed black vans following us.
-Have you noticed those vans too?- I asked, beginning to be scared.
-Yes, but don't worry.- Nat said -Now I'll call Bruce and let them know so they'll come here.- As she said this she heard one of the vans speeding up.
It all happened very quickly.
They stopped in front of us and five men came out of the back.
Two against Natasha.
Two against Wanda.
And one against me.
I tried to remember all the workouts I had done, but he was much stronger than me and he, after making me fall to the ground, took me and threw me forcefully into the van.
I saw Nat and Wanda fighting deftly and yelled for their attention, but the man who had put me in the van said something to the other four and after closing the back door, they got in and drove off.

y/n Stark (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now