Chapter 25

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The next morning when I woke up I saw Loki already awake and he was looking at me.
-Good morning Loki.- I said yawning.
-Morning, darling.- he smiled at me and printed a kiss on my forehead.
-What time is it?- I asked while sitting down.
-It would be half past seven. Shall we go for breakfast?- he smiled at me.
-Yes, let's go.-
We left the room and he took me by the hand.
-Good morning everyone.- we greeted them entering the kitchen and sitting down to have breakfast.
-Tony, is it okay for you if I take the kids to school today?- Loki asked.
-Can you drive?- He asked.
-What's the use of driving if you can teleport?- He smiled.
-It would be very cool.- Peter said excitedly.
-If that's okay for them.- Dad said.
-y/n?- Loki asked looking at me.
-Sure, okay.- I smiled and after I finished breakfast I went to get dressed.
I wore a pair of high-waisted jeans, a white blouse with a cream sweater over it and black Dr. Martens, a little mascara and blush for makeup, then took the backpack and went to the others.
-Here I am, I'm ready.- I said, then greeted everyone.
-Perfect, let's go.- Loki said -So hang on my arm and close your eyes.- he explained, Peter and I did as we were told and when we opened our eyes we were in front of school.
-We arrived.- I smiled and noticed several glances of us.
And I didn't blame them as we literally materialized through magic.
-I don't like all these eyes on you.- he said.
-Quiet, I only have eyes for you.- I smiled and he came over and then kissed me.
-Now they know that you are only mine.- he said and I blushed, I was not used to all this attention.
-Okay, Loki, see you later, ok?- I smiled at him.
-Surely darling see you later.- he smiled at me and disappeared.
-Come on, let's go to MJ and Ned.- I said and at that moment those two arrived.
-Did I miss something?- MJ asked smiling -Since when?-
-Well, last night.- I smiled embarrassed.
-Thank you MJ.-
-Am I wrong or was that Loki, the god of mischief, brother of Thor?- asked Flash approaching.
-Yes, it's him.- I smiled -And I think if he saw you talking to me he would get very angry. He has not forgotten the night of the party.- I said.
-Are you...are you together?- he asked, frightened.
-Oh yes, we are together.- I said then Flash disappeared -I think it won't bother us for a long time.- I said laughing.
-I think so too.- we laughed then went to class.
Finished the lessons when we went out and found Loki waiting for us.
-Here you are darling and hello spider boy.- smiled Loki.
-Hello Loki.- Peter greeted him.
-Hey Lo.- I said approaching and giving him a quick kiss to mold.
-Hello to you Midgardians.- Loki greeted them.
-Loki they are MJ and Ned.- I introduced them.
-Our pleasure.- said the two, a little scared.
-Ah you're MJ, the girl who helped y/n get back to the tower. You don't know how grateful I am to you.- he said, making a half bow.
-It was a pleasure to help her, don't worry.- she said smiling.
-And you must be the man in the chair.- he told Ned.
-Yes it's me.- he said excitedly.
-That boy, Flash, bothered you?- he asked me.
-Oh, no. Indeed this morning he saw me kiss you and then he ran away.- I said laughing.
-Okay, but now let's go or Tony will kill me.- he said, we said goodbye to MJ and Ned, then we teleported to the tower.
I went into my room and found a box.
I walked over to get a better look at it and noticed a note.
"This dress comes straight from Asgard. I wish you would wear it for our date.
I hope you like it.
Your Loki."
I read the card and smiled.
Then he opened the box.
It was a pastel green dress with a full, embellished skirt that reached to the feet, with the corset embroidered with thin silver threads that sparkled in the light.
It was beautiful.
I leaned it on myself and looked at myself in the mirror.
I would have been really good in it.
After I did my homework quickly, I took a shower, then put on some makeup with some mascara and blush, then let my hair down.
As soon as I finished putting on the dress, I heard a knock.
-Come in.- I said.
It was Wanda and Nat.
-Hey, wow...- they said pointing to the dress.
-It's a gift from Loki, it comes directly from Asgard.- I smiled, adjusting the skirt with my hands.
-You're beautiful.- Nat said.
-It's almost seven, are you ready?- Wanda asked.
-Yes, the last thing.- I said, sprinkling myself with perfume.
-Who knows where he will take you.- Natasha said dreamily -With that dress I doubt it's some restaurant here in town.-
-Where do you think it will take me?- I asked.
-Maybe where does that dress come from?- Nat said.
-Do you really think he will take me to Asgard?- I asked, widening my eyes.
-Well, yes, I think so too.- Wanda said.
-Oh my god...what if he wants me to meet his parents?- I panicked.
-Well he knows yours, he would also be right on one side.- Nat said.
-Yes, but we've been together for less than twenty-four hours.- I said -I don't know anything.- I said.
-Calm down, you will be fantastic.- they reassured me.
We left my room and I went to where the others were.
-Wow y/n.- I heard Thor.
-Hey Thor, hello everyone.- I said making a half bow.
-You are beautiful, honey.- Dad said.
-Thank you. Have you seen Loki?- I asked.
-Here I am darling.- I turned and saw him look at me from head to toe -You are absolutely beautiful.- and I spin around to show the dress better.
-I've never seen anything like it.- Peter said.
-In fact, it's not from here. It was made in Asgard, tailored for my princess.- Loki explained and I blushed.
-It's really beautiful, thank you very much.- he said, giving him a kiss to mold.
-You're welcome.- he smiled at me -Anyway Tony I want to take her to Asgard, she will be safe, there are many guards and besides I am a prince.-
-Okay, but if something happens to her…- he said.
-You will kill me, yes I know.- he said smiling.
-See you later, dad. - I hugged him and greeted everyone.
We went outside and Loki took my hand.
-Heimdall take us to Asgard.- He said and a beam of light surrounded us.

y/n Stark (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now