Chapter 7

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I sat there in the car with slow tears falling from my eyes in pain and frustration because of my raging thoughts again.

Didn't Liam even see that Louis was helping me? Or did he not care enough to think about that possibility?

Currently, he was driving me home with both Zayn and Niall in the back passenger seats. They decided to tag along and to make sure I was alright too.

They talked quietly in the back while me and Liam sat there in a tense silence. It had been like that since we left the school.

I wondered how Louis was, how he was dealing with all of this. I felt bad not sticking up for him more. He was so caring towards me and all I could do was sit there and cry while he that to deal with Liam who thought he was the cause.

I wanted to make it up to him.

Liam pulled up in our driveway and I noticed that another car was parked there.

Mum's car.

Immediately, my whole mood was lifted, knowing she was here even if it was only for a few hours.

"Wait, H," Liam stopped me as I reached for the car handle to climb out. "I know mum is here and you want to see her but she'll freak out when she sees you."

I slumped back, my mood dissipating. "Well, she's gonna find out anyway."

I huffed, moving to climb out of the car again and this time, Liam didn't stop me. He was right, however, but I still had Louis's jacket so I quickly lifted it enough so it covered my nose.

I heard Liam's sigh just before I closed his car door shut, heading for the door. I didn't bother to wait for the three of them, opening the door and waltzing through.

"Mum?" I called out, walking through the kitchen to find an ice pack and a cloth to wipe my face free of the dried blood quickly before she could see.

I heard her footsteps so I hurried even more to be extra careful, wiping as much fired blood off of my face before using Louis's jacket to cover my bloodied shirt. I was finished just in time for my brother, Niall and Zayn to come in and for my mum to pop around the corner.

"Harry! Liam! And Niall and Zayn! Well, this is a surprise! I thought you guys have school still?" My mum questioned, smiling brightly at all of us.

I opened my mouth to speak but Liam was quick to cut me off.

"We do. I was just dropping Harry off so he could rest and then we were gonna head back," Liam gave me a pointed look, making me roll my eyes.

My mum turned to me with furrowed brows. "Why? What happened?"

"Nothing," I bit out. "Its not that serious."

Liam suddenly glared at me, stepping forward to lean against the breakfast bar in our kitchen.

"'Its not that serious'? Really Harry? When were you going to tell me that you're being physically beaten up at school?" Liam questioned through clenched teeth.

My mum gasped and turned to me with horror in her eyes. "Is that true, Harry?"

Both Zayn and Niall stood back watching our interaction with worried eyes.

"Yeah but," I sighed but pointed at Liam. "You're only gonna make it worse."

Liam reared back and blinked at me. "Me? How am I making it worse when this has been going on behind my back? How long has this even been going on, Harry?"

"Since freshman year," I mumbled, narrowing my eyes to avoid Liam's.

"Freshman year?!" Liam exclaimed. "Harry, why-"

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