Chapter 19

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I was so fucking bored, I think I'm about to lose my mind.

It's been two weeks. Two weeks since Nick had beaten me to the point I had blacked out and taped me up against the gym wall before I got found and was taken to the hospital. I had talked to the police and told them everything, learning about the video that was sent to them anonymously but I knew who sent it to them.

Who had recorded it. Louis.

When I finally was comfortable at home, the very next day, me, Liam and my mum all watched the news when Niall had texted me to, saying Nick was on there. So we did and he was right; Nick's photo was on there and the newsman did a story about him and what he did to me.

Liam had gone to school the very next day and I was at home, still healing from my broken ribs and other injuries. At least my mum was there to keep me some company but I still felt so lonely and lost.

Soon, the two officers did reach out to us after the arrest about court dates and everything. I was still unsure and anxious of the thought of giving a verbal statement in front of the judge in court but my mum helped me agree to it, telling me that I had to be brave against Nick.

And she was right.

Even though he has beaten me to a pulp many times, I had fought a few times even though it made the beating worse. But now, it was like I had won and found an escape from him.

Today was now Friday of the second week. The doctor had said I was cleared to go back to school the Monday we come back from spring break since it was next week. Honestly, I couldn't have been happier with the extra week because I still had to do the work I missed when Liam brought it home.

I mean, at least I was caught up and everything I guess. I knew at least one person who could cheer me right up right now and I wish he was here but he wasn't.

I was sitting on the couch, bundled in a blanket in the same spot my mum had left me when she had went to work. She told me that she had to stay a bit later than her usual new schedule allowed but I was ok with it because she loved her new promotion and didn't have the need to work so hard.

I glanced at the clock that was up on the high wall near the TV to see that Liam, Niall and Zayn would be coming any second from school since they didn't have practice on Fridays. Which also meant Louis was home too.

I could just get up and walk there and I've thought about it many times but my mum was always there around me until Liam was home, making sure I didn't do anything to hurt my chest even more than it already was. It was healing nicely though and I could move and stretch it without hurting too much.

The door opened suddenly, breaking me from my thoughts, and I turned slightly to see Liam's brown head of hair walked past. His footsteps were the only ones I could hear.

"Hey, Harry, I'm home. Is mum here?" He called, his voice echoing from the kitchen.

"No, she's at work and will be working later tonight," I replied shortly. Even though our argument happen a few weeks ago, I was still mad at him. Not so much then but still now because he wouldn't let me go.

Even if I wasn't gonna straight to Louis, I definitely would though, he kept his eyes on me and wouldn't let me go out. I really felt like a child and this was what I meant by how he was babysitting me.

If only he would listen to not only me but Louis too.

I could tell Liam was getting irritated at times with me too and if only he wasn't so stubborn, this could've been fixed and done with even years ago.

It made me think that if Liam and Louis did fix their friendship between them, if Liam let Louis explain, then I would've seen him sooner and may even get to be with him sooner.

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