Chapter 15

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"Get off of my brother!!" Liam's voice roared through my ears.

The next thing I know is Louis jumping off of me, pulling me with him to stand right behind him, near the foot of his bed. We faced Liam who stood there in the doorway with burning eyes and clenched fists. Niall and Zayn both stood behind him with beyond shocked faces.

Within those quick seconds, I snapped back into a sober mind. Dread filled my veins and all I could think is how lucky me and Louis were to still have all our clothes on.

But now, our secret is out.

We all stood in silence. The only sounds in the air were me and Louis's heavy breathing and the loud music from downstairs. Liam just stood there, shaking in pure rage while Louis stood in his own protective way with an unreadable look across his face.

Liam shot his glare at me. "How long has this been going on?"

My throat was suddenly dry at his cold tone and I knew, he was really angry.

"Don't speak to-" Louis took a step forward in defense but Liam harshly cut him off.

"I'm not fucking speaking to you!" He hissed, snapping his glare back to me with the burning question still in the air.

I swallowed thickly but answered slowly. "More than a month..."

Even though the words were quiet, by the look on Liam's face, he caught them all.

He scoffed, followed by a humorless chuckle. "More than a fucking month..."

Liam shook his head and threw his hands up in the air. By now, I was completely terrified because I didn't know what he was thinking. I didn't know what he was going to do.

"So when were you going to tell me this, Harry?" He snapped. "Huh? You thought I wouldn't find out when you two were practically shoving your tongues down each other's fucking throats in the middle of the fucking room? Why did you follow him here? What were you going to do with him?"

My heart practically stopped in fear at the question and tears started to fall from my eyes. Louis scooted closer to me, still blocking me partly from Liam's view. His hand slipped in mine and he squeezed it gently.

When I didn't answer, Liam grew even more rageful, the veins in his face popping out and he bared his teeth.

He knew exactly.

"Is the first time?" He growled.

"Liam, please-" I started, my voice trembling and I took a stepped forward to him.

"Go wait in the car," he cut me off.

I choked back a sob. "Liam don't-"

"Go wait in the fucking car!" He yelled and I flinched, the words snapping for me to move and I did. Louis let go of my hand as I moved quickly, waiting until I was passed Liam.

I ignored the looks of Niall and Zayn who stood closely together by the doorway and looked quickly to Louis who stared after me with worried and sorrowful eyes. My lip wobbled as I looked away and started to run through Louis's house in the crowd of people.

No one gave me a second glance as I pushed myself through the sea of dancing bodies all the way until I found the door. I ripped it open in the cool night and slammed it shut to lock myself in the night. I hugged myself, biting my lip to keep useless sobs in until I found Liam's car and let them out freely in the empty space.


I didn't care how long it had been; how long they had been gone before I caught sight of Niall's bright hair. He held Zayn's hand as they walked slowly behind a still furious Liam.

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