Chapter 11

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Today was Friday. Which meant today was the movie night and it means that there is one week before one of the last games for the rest of year.

The thought had hit me hard when summer was right around the corner and it would go by even faster after spring break.

It also hit me really hard that Louis would be graduating right alongside Liam and Zayn.

I was worried Louis wouldn't wanna wait for me and head straight for Uni. I had express this thought to him because I didn't want him to leave me but he had shut me up with a kiss and told me he would never leave.

I felt like my heart could burst from the amount of sincerity he expressed within those words. I was immediately reassured and believed him wholeheartedly.

The week had past quickly and me and Louis had been texting each other and hanging out with each other on the days he didn't have football practice.

I felt at ease because Nick hadn't bothered me at all during the week. I didn't want to get my hopes up but maybe Louis did do something to make him stop.

Me, Liam and Niall were all excited for the movie night and it was said as much as we talked about it while we walked to Liam's car.

I wasn't able to go over to Louis's house because of the movie night and I told Louis as much but he was fine with it, especially since we've been hanging out with each other all the time. Of course, I would miss him nonetheless and probably wouldn't see him until Monday.

"Is Zayn heading towards your house right after school? Or is he coming a bit later?" Niall asked as we reached his car.

Liam jangled his keys. "He's coming a bit later with his friend."

"Do you know who he's bringing?: I questioned, opening the passenger door to climb in. Niall took the middle back seat as Liam settled in the driver's side.

"No, which is weird since he always tells me this stuff," he sighed, rolling out of the school parking lots.

"Huh, yeah, that is weird," Niall agreed and I hummed, nodding. "Who are you bringing then, payno?"

Niall wiggled his brows and I turned to Liam with the sudden interest sparked in me.

Liam's cheeks burned a light pink and I blinked in surprised. I've never seen him blush.

"Ooooo," Niall gushed, seeing it too. "Who is it, Payno? Who's caught your heart?"

Liam's eyes flickered to Niall then back to the road. "Its just someone I've been talking too."

"Who is she?" I grinned.

"Come on, guys. Don't tease me about this now. I'm already nervous about her coming already. We're just friends right now," Liam whined, making me and Niall laugh at him.

"Alright, alright, Li. But I can't wait to meet her!" I gave Liam a reassuring smile and he relaxed. "When we get home, we can get everything ready, alright?"

"Yeah!" Niall cheered immediately and Liam merely smiled wildly, letting us fall silent but we were all excited for our movie night.

There was going to be more of us which could only make more fun and I was ecstatic as it also meant another game for Liam and Niall too. And hopefully, another party at Louis's house.

When Liam reached our house, he parked, letting Niall to climb out and shoot for our door quickly. I barely had my buckle off as I blinked at him.

Liam chuckled at the Irish while we watched him find the key and waltzed right in. I took another look, finding that our mum was at work still which meant another late night for her. Liam sighed from beside me, noticing too, but climbed out of the car without word.

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