Chapter 8

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"Because Nick...has threatened me before," I breathed.

Louis sat upright faster than I thought, gripping my chin to make me meet his stormy eyes.

"Threatened you for what?" He asked lowly and I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from shuddering.

"He told me that if I told anyone that he was abusing me, he'd hurt someone in my life worse than he hurts me," I mumbled.

Louis let go of my jaw, letting his hand fall away. "How did this start exactly?"

His eyes were still stormy and I didn't want to make him even more mad from not telling him. He seemed to have read my mind because his hand caressed my side in a sign of reassurance to show that he wasn't mad at me.

"It started in freshman year and at first, it was just him teasing me for acting gay or like a 'fag' is how he put it," I looked away. "But then it got to be where he started to push me or shove me up against the lockers and it just grew from there. But lately, its just been getting worse and worse. Like today, he said he saw me and you hanging together and he thought I was turning you into 'fag' like me."

I finished tightly, sniffling because the tears have started to fall again.

"Is that why you didn't kiss me the other day?" My heart caught in my throat at the words. "Is it because you're afraid? Of him?"

My heart raced but I hesitantly nodded my head.

His hand suddenly gripped the back of my head, in my hair, and he pulled me up close to his face where our lips were dangerously close. My breaths hitched in my throat from the action when I'm met with dark blue eyes boring into my own.

"He won't hurt you anymore. You don't have to be scared," Louis whispered, making me shiver.

"But-" I started but he pressed his thumb over my lips to quiet me.

"I'll make sure of it," he bit out before he attacked my lips.

This time, I didn't push him away, no. I kissed him back in the kiss that was rough and eager.

Louis's hand twisted even more in my hair, making the kiss deeper. My hands gripped his shirt and I pulled him closer until our chests were touching with no space in between.

He tugged on my hair and it emitted a gasp from me, giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue inside my mouth. A small moan slipped out from my throat as he licked into my mouth, making his hand tighten in my hair.

I pulled away to catch my breath when my lungs ached. Louis pulled away too, his lips trailing down my jaw and neck to catch his own breath too.

Before my breathing evened out, his lips were back on mine. Our lips moved in sync, making the kiss much more passionate and heart racing.

Louis started to move us slowly, never breaking our lips, laying me on my back on my bed with him holding himself above me. I tangled my fingers into his hair, deepening the kiss even more as our tongues danced.

Arousal was slowly shooting through me by the way my lips tingled. When my lungs burned, I pulled away slowly, Louis tugging at my lip before dipping down to bite along my neck.

He quickly found my sensitive spot, right below my collarbone, and begun to nip at it, causing tingles of pleasure to zip through me.

He bit down on the skin, sucking on it lightly over the newly made love bite, causing a low whimper to leave my lips.

"You're beautiful, Haz, my Hazza," his voice was lower then usual and I squirmed at the words before our lips met again. As he kept one hand to hold himself above me, the other wandered down to where the edge of my shirt was.

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