Chapter 13

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Another talkative week had passed and now it was Friday; one of the last football games of the year.

The weeks had just been passing quickly and me and Louis have only just been growing our relationship. We've never been stronger, truthfully.

We've been hanging out together so much more since the movie night after school at his house, either cuddling, making out or just talking about everything and nothing.

I've grown to cherish those moments to no end because I couldn't describe how much I feel when I'm with Louis. Its a whole different feeling and I can't get use to it but I can't stray away from it because its addicting.

This week hasn't always been normal either. I haven't seen Nick once which made me anxious and everyone had begun to talk about a rumor going around with Nick and Eleanor, Louis's ex from freshman year who invited herself to our movie night.

Niall had came running to me with the news, blabbering about how Eleanor was only dating him to make Louis jealous and Nick was dating her for more popularity and to get back at Louis.

When I asked Louis about it after school, he merely kissed me and told me he didn't care.

So I ignored the somewhat fake couple who was the talk of the school and got ready for today's game.

I couldn't hang out with Louis after school so I was alone when I drove back home to work on the little homework I had before I had to leave for the game.

Louis, Niall and Liam were all practicing and warming up before. Zayn was there too with them, despite the fact that he still couldn't play for another week which made him irritated and sadden. But I was glad to have a friend at the game instead of sitting alone.

When I arrived about an hour from the game starting, there were so many people heading to the fields already. Of course as the school year ends, many people want to watch the famous captain and co-captain play. Since Zayn couldn't play, Liam had been named co-captain until he came back.

I was excited to watch Louis play this time, knowing he was the captain. I didn't really watch him before, only pretty much watched Niall or Liam or played on my phone to pass the time.

Big crowds weren't my thing so there wasn't really much of a reason to go to a game but to cheer on my brother and bestfriend.

I sighed, watching as groups of boys and girls alike walk to the stadium, chatting cheerfully and gossiping quietly. Climbing out of the car, I immediately felt a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped, whipping around to face a beaming Louis. I took a quick once over, taking in that he was sweaty already from warm-ups, hair sticking to his brightened face, and in his football uniform.

"Hey, hazza!" He chirped, full of energy.

"Hey, Lou, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be warming up with your team?" I asked with a smile, happy he was here nonetheless.

"Yeah but coach gave us a quick break. But your probably right, I should be getting back but I wouldn't miss seeing my boyfriend!" He said the words quietly but it made my heart warm. "I just wanted to see you before the game."

"Well, I'm here. I made it and I can't wait to see you play," I said honestly.

Louis smiled again. "Are you coming to the party after?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "At your house right? I know because Niall already asked me this a couple weeks back."

"Yeah," he nodded, winking. "I'll see you there then."

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