Chapter 12

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We were about three movies in when I realized just about everyone was falling asleep. The only ones I could see awake were me, Louis and Niall who was barely hanging on on the floor in front of Zayn.

I guess Louis must've noticed too because when the third movie started, he scooted closer to me. I didn't think of it, seeing how Liam was snoring softly on the couch next to us with Sophie content in his arms, and leaned into him.

I would always take a cuddle from Louis.

But as the movie started to end and another came on automatically, his hands started to wander over my chest and arms in a smooth touch.

At first, I just relaxed into him, almost purring, but then I sat up and turned to him when his hands drifted closer to my thighs. When I faced him, his lips twitched and he had dark eyes.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, glancing nervously at the others. By this time, Niall was out, using Zayn's legs as pillows.

"Nothing, darling. I can't hold you?" He whispered innocently, leaning forward to wrap his hands around my waist to press my back against his chest.

I rolled my eyes playfully and sat back, comfortable in his hold. Until his hands wandered freely again. I took a slow breath, trying my best to be unbothered but it was hard when his touch felt seductive.

I couldn't deny that I liked it; I was only wary of the others.

But Louis didn't seem to care when his hands wandered close to the edge of my sweatpants, grazing at the skin just above. When his fingers were just about to disappear underneath, thats when I grabbed his wrist to stop him.

By now, I knew what he wanted.

"Louis, stop," I lifted my chin to face him. "Not when the others are around."

"I don't care about them," his voice was low and I couldn't stop him when his hand pushed through my sweatpants, just above my boxers. I grew nervous but I couldn't deny that I wasn't thrilled, almost turned on, by this.

"Lou-" I started but he cut me off by nipping at my ear sharply.

"I can't help but think how ravenous you look and what I want to do to you, Harry," after his words left his mouth, he pressed his hand into my growing bulge through the thin fabric of my boxers.

My head fell on his shoulder and I bit my tongue harshly to keep in a moan.

"And I can't tell you how much I want you, " he breathed, lips barely skimming the skin below my ear. I couldn't take it.

I twisted my head up to him and our lips met in a rushing, heated, kiss. He hummed, pressing into me, hand still deliciously on my hard length.

Even his words were enough to get me bloody hard.

I untwisted myself from the awkward angle I was in, sadly making Louis's hand slip out from my sweatpants as I readjusted on his lap. Our lips met again and at this I doubt me and Louis were even trying to be quiet.

His hand was right back, hovering over the fabric, fingertips just brushing over my clothed length enough for me to feel something even though it was teasing.

I broke the kiss when my lungs ached for air and buried my head in the crook of his shoulder, thankfully only hearing the others still snoring in sleep peacefully.

"How do you think your brother would react if he saw you like this, on my lap, letting me do whatever," Louis's voice was low, making me know he was just as aroused as I was. Our hips were moving by now, his hand gone, and we were grinding up against each other slowly. I swallowed thickly, my body flushing in the heat between us.

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