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2:56 pm

Pea-brain we
Did you get your math homework form Vanessa, oddball?

I didn't go to school

Oddball! School is important you can't just skip

Cant blame her, hated school as a child

Time capsule
Don't encourage it Cyclopes

Don't worry I'll go tomorrow
But, I might not answer a lot today

Why not?

I just have a lot of chores and stuff, I'll talk to you later tonight.

Okay oddball, just know we are always here.

Elvira Second Person POV

Yeah that was a lot of bullshit. Since gaining no sleep you had gone to your house early this morning right as the sun rose and completed all your chores in a record speed, making sure that Tom knew before leaving the house again. You have 12 dollars in your wallet, just enough to buy some food. You were running low on energy form the exhausted anger rampage you had the day before, shifting as you also liked to call it was exhausting. Plus adding on the fact you hadn't eaten anything besides half a crappy school lunch the day before, you were hungry to say the least, hangry maybe?

Walking downtown, your hair in a singular braid down your back, reaching just below your shoulder blades. The crisp wind felt good, you were wearing the second shirt you owned, which was a a plain black tank top.

Walking down the streets, you were used to having all eyes on you. Usually you weren't this bold to wear a tank top, showing off many scars and bruises but by the point of you caring it was zero to nothing.

You finally made it to one of your favorite non-chain restaurants, it was a small sandwich shop named "wooden spoon" and everything about it was immaculate, plus the owner had grown fond of you and given many discounts in the past.

"Ah, Elvira it's nice to see you, it's been a while." Antonio smiled with his thick Italian accent.

"Good to see you too." You smile with your lips, your voice too laced with its own Romanian accent, which is very similar to a Russian one from the part of Romania you were born.

"The usual?" He questioned.

"Yes sir." You nodded while pulling out your ripped up black wallet form the back of your pack.

"I'll throw in some chips and a drink for free." He smiled as he prepared the sourdough bread to be loaded with toppings.

"5 dollars." He smiled. The prices at his shop were always the best compared to other popular New York restaurants.

"Thank you so much Antonio, I'll see you next week most likely." You smiled, this time with teeth as he handed you a bag with a gracious amount of food.

Walking back into the busy road with the ding of a bell on the door, you smiled at the bright sun filled day, you never liked smiling but your humorous ways over the light.

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