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"Morning sleepers." Clint ruffled your hair as you walked into the kitchen after a full night of sleep in the living room. That was the first night of sleep you'd experienced since who knows when. It was dreamless and deep. You felt the most refreshed you ever had. Possibly it was because you were surrounded by people you were started to trust. They were breaking down your barrier and growing on you.

You seemed to have been the last person asleep since the living room was now cleaned except for your small cuddled up pile of blankets. Clint was the only one in the kitchen, others must've been doing other things. But now your pile of blankets was being lifted and folded by a ginger haired lady, littered with freckles, whom you had never met.

"Who's that?" You questioned while grabbing a cup form the highest shelf. Clint looked behind him while simultaneously sipping from his warm coffee.

"That's Pepper. Pepper Pots. She's Tony's girlfriend and CEO of Stark Industries." Clint explained. Now the name that you knew could be connected to a face.

"Is this little lion yours sweetheart?" Pepper called from the living room. Your cheeks began flushing to a deep shade of pink.

"Uh yes, thank you." You murmured embarrassed while walking over and taking it from her grasp, quickly rushing it back to your bedroom.

Once lying it on your bed tenderly you walked back into the kitchen, pepper was now on the bar stool besides Clint, communicating with him. You walked right on past and grabbed your mug to fill up with milk. Just plain milk.

"Your having just plain milk?" Clint questioned. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow of confusion.

"Yes? What else would I have?" You questioned while sipping from the cool beverage.

"Chocolate milk. Duh. Here, try some." He got up and walked to a cabinet, pulling out a tin labeled Nesquick and dumping some powder in my milk. You took a sip gingerly, your face melting into a sour frown.

"What are you trying to poison me?" You questioned while dumping the obscured liquid down the sink.

"What? How can you not like that! It's so good!" Clint countered. You shook your head while reaching to grab fresh milk.

"It's way to sweet for this early in the morning." You shook your head while sipping the plain milk.

(Nesquick is disgusting. Ovaltine supremacy)

"What ever floats your boat peanut." He shrugged while sipping from his, probably over sweetened, coffee.

"Don't call me peanut." You retorted while grabbing the current book you were reading off the side table in the living room, where you had left it the day previous.

"You like to read?" Pepper questioned. You nodded with a big smile.
"I have some good recommendations for when you finish that book." She added with a matching smile. The smile she gave off melting your heart. It was so kind-felt.

"That's be amazing, thank you." You smiled genuinely. She nodded and went back to her hushed conversation with Clint that you had walked in on. You on the other hand, prepared to enter the world of your book. Institute by Stephen King.


"Elvira?" Pepper questioned, drawing you out of your book.

"Hm?" You dazed while shutting it lightly.

"I was wondering if you would like to come run some errands with me. We only have to stop at two stores." She questioned while snatching, I assume, Tony's wallet and her phone of the table.

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