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Elvira sat silently, watching as everyone conversed in the living room. They decided it would be best for her to make her own decisions, and though she wasn't used to that, she chose to stay and watch a movie with the others, even if she had trouble remembering the relationships they had.

Her legs were parallel to each other, her chin high and shoulders straight. This is how she was told to sit. She had to be perfect. Professional and proper.

She didn't know how to revert from her common ways. She didn't know me how to open up and let loose. She didn't like speaking, or comfort. It was like she was relearning everything she had known before.

She chewed on the inside of her cheek as she watched the others laugh together. She did remember that. She used to chew her nails, and bite the skin around her fingers. But ever since her experiences at HYDRA, where she had to stay still and focused, she began biting her cheeks and lips, it was an easy way to get the same result more subtly.

"How about something Disney, innocent and not violent, ya know." Bucky whispered quietly to Clint. Elvira looked up as she heard them discoursing. Why were they whispering when everyone else was speaking in a normal tone. "I don't want Elvira to freak out." Bucky added. Elvira closed her eyes while returning her gaze to the black screen, zoning out.

Why would something fictional scare her or freak her out? She's not supposed to be scared of anything.  She is brave. She has to be brave. That's what they said. That's what they ordered. She must follow her order.

Her mind slowly shifting as her eyes felt dizzy. She wasn't meant to be here, this wasn't where she was told to go. She was supposed to be in Germany right at this moment. Not in dead center New York. Now they'll be angry.

Dr. Lucifer is going to hurt you.

Her mind chanted at itself as she squeezed her eyes and pushed her hands against her head.

"No, no, no." She whispered quietly. She was going to be in trouble. She slowly lifted her heavy eye lids while not paying any notice to the people around her and shooting to her sore feet, ignoring the blasting plain in her ankle.

She immediately rushed out of the busy room and bolting into the room Wanda said was hers. Why did she have her own room and why can't she remember suddenly.

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no." She just repeated to herself as her breathing intensified. She locked the door quickly and walking into the bathroom at her side, locking that door as well.

She wasn't supposed to be here.

She stumbled backwards into the locked door, reaching out to her side for stability and flicking off the lights on accident.

She was now encapsulated with darkness. Her breathing became ragged as she continued to mumble to herself, staggering around in fear.

The darkness was something familiar. She hated it. It killed her. It's when they could hurt her the most. Her mind shook with forces unknown to her. Too many memory's from all stages of her life flooding in, it was too much to handle.

She is scared. She is not brave.

She let out a gasp as she tripped over the lip of the tub and fell into the dry basin. She winced as she landed harshly in her hip and quickly rolled into a ball.

"Don't be scared." She whispered as she felt a stinging sensation in her eyes and the back of her throat tickle. She tried to calm herself, but soon small sobs filled her throat as the memories filtered through. All of them. There had to be at least a hundred thoughts where darkness only brought fear and pain. Immense pain. Inflicted by others.

Sorry, Wrong Number Kid (Avengers)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora