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One Year Later

"And this is a phone," Tony said while placing to unopened box in front of her on the counter.

"I know what a phone is, moron." She laughed while slowly unpacking the thin black device, joy in her eyes. She had never owned something so new. So nice. It was exhilarating, "Thank you." She nodded while softly looking through the box.

"No need to thank me, thank pepper. She hooked the deal and got it for free." Tony smiled while leaning against the counter opposite her. The phone was much different than the one she had three years ago. "It's already all set up, your contacts, your socials. Feel free to purchase any other apps you'd like. Ask me first before big ones though, it is my credit card we're talking about."

Elvira nodded with a toothy smile, standing from her chair and strutting around the island quickly, hugging Tony firmly. He was slightly taken off guard as he patted her back, "Thanks, Tony!" She yelled with a wave while racing off to find Natasha.

"Nat! Look, Tony got me a new phone!" Elvira said excitedly while leaping into the redhead's bed.

"Fancy." She nodded, "but I was folding clothes if you couldn't tell." Natasha sighed with a small laugh. Elvira looked around her at the fallen piles of clothes.

"Woops." She shrugged while bouncing off the bed and back to her feet.

She was now eighteen and legally didn't need a parental guardian. So she was treated, mostly the same as the others. She still had sensitive moments about her past, her vulnerability never left her.

But her mind was now conditioned with more wisdom and strength than before, she knew how to overcome a silent battle that may want to rampage through her mind.

She trained with the avengers and went on missions with them as well. She wasn't the only young one, Spiderboy tagged along too, but he was still seventeen, and lived with his aunt May.

"I'll help you with your phone later hun, but please let me finish these clothes you destroyed." Natasha smiled with an annoyed sigh. Elvira nodded while walking out of the room much slower, and taking her journey right next store, to her bedroom.

She had made a change after being more conscious. The walls were now a subtle Grey, in replacement of the illuminated yellow from before, and forest green plants and pictures laced the room. 

Green silk sheets and pillows along with the same shade beanbags on top of a grey rug. It was earthy and calm.

The underwhelming feeling of it brought a grounding relief to Elvira, the colors before were too bright.

She still had the reading nook above her bed, the books being cycled out monthly as she read them almost too fast.

But no such thing as too much reading, am I right?

Elvira flipped backward onto her bed and looked up at the grey floor above her, counting each crevice where they met the roof carefully. She did this every time she laid in bed.

There were only ten. Ten was an uncomfortable number. It just didn't seem right, so she always counted them twice.


That's how old Jeremy is right now. Elvira glanced at the faded scar along her forearm. "Failure." A quick memory of that day passed Elvira's mind. Her least favorite memories were ones without the Avengers. Almost all of those memories were meant to be harmful, and scary.

She couldn't help but wonder what was happening in their current lives.

Jeremy was no doubtingly still a loser, with no social life.

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