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"You can stay in here before we get you a better room." Tony said while pushing the door open to a large room with Grey walls. It was furnished with a desk, a large queen sized bed, and a small Grey beanbag surrounded by books.

"You're telling me there are rooms better than this?" You said while amazement as your finger traced along the walls. Tony chuckled and leant into the doorframe.

"Yes, there are, there's a closet for your clothes and drawers for your other belongings, I'll let you get settled." He said while shifting the door. You looked up at the large window and sighed contently.

Unpacking would be easy considering you didn't have any clothing. You took off the oversized hoodie and placed back on your ragged tank top, feeling slightly overheated. You still had protective dressing around your body and you just ripped that off with a grunt as it pulled at your sensitive skin.

You now had two hoodies to add to your collection and two sweatpants. Of course it was only the hottest clothing in the world. But you were happy to have the new leggings that allowed air to brush upon your pale legs that haven't seen an ounce of daylight in years.

You finished unpacking by plugging in your phone and placing your floppy lion onto the bed.

"Terminat (done)." You smiled while flipping into the bed. Surprised to feel it was even softer than your previous sleep state.

"Knock knock." You jumped as somebody opened your door, taking a quick breath before turning around.

"Oh.. hey." You whispered while seeing Natasha and Clint in the door way.

"What are doing wearing this dirty thing. Change into something else so I can at least wash it." Natasha said while looking at the disgusting shirt.

"I don't have nothing else to change into and I'm assumed none of you wear a child medium in t-shirts." You said while crossing your arms.

"In that you are correct." She said while walking into your room and sitting at your desk. She pressed a button and suddenly a laptop came out of the wood, you had a small look of amazement as she clicked away on the large device.
"Here. Order whatever you would like. Work out clothing, shirts, tank tops, shorts, pants, shoes.. whatever you need. No matter the price." She said while standing up. You looked her in the eyes, just to see if she was lying.

"What are you staring for, go ahead." She motioned to the computer. You walked forward and sat down, immediately sinking into the spinning chair.

The clothing options seemed to be endless.. you just scrolled and scrolled adding many things to your cart, feeling a sort of adrenaline while shopping.

"You might want to get a swimsuit as well, we have a pool." Natasha added into the jar, you almost forgot that bother her and Clint were there. Your body tightened at the mention of swimming suit. Your body on display like that was not what you wanted.

"I- I don't know how to swim." You muttered while turning to face them.

"Then we will just have to teach you." Clint smiled. You nodded slowly and turned back to the computer, going straight to the swimwear.

There were many options, but all seemed to consist of small triangles that only covered your privates. Scoffing you began to scroll, it seemed like every single one consisted at that similar style.

"cine naiba ar purta asta.. (who the hell would wear this)" you muttered while scrolling farther and farther.

"There's other options besides these." Natasha said while coming up behind you and taking place of your hand on the mouse, switching to a section that had one prices and what they called tankinis. You nodded and began to scroll through those, finally deciding on an all navy blue one piece.

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