can't kill a pogue

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SCHOOL WAS THE LAST PLACE Karolina wanted to be. But, unfortunately, she was only sixteen, and it was in fact a law. One that Amy would take the fall for, if broken, so the blonde found herself shouldering her tote bag onto her shoulder as she clambered out of Kie's car.

JJ followed after her, taking a swig from the flask in his hand before tossing it back into the car. Karolina pouted. "I wanted some of that."

"Guys," Kiara said, with a look. "Chill out."

Karolina rolled her eyes, closing the door after JJ pulled his backpack out. "If I black out, just... don't remind me..." muttered JJ. Karolina just sighed, as Pope rounded the corner of his car and said, "That's not funny."

As the leaderless Pogues began the trek from the parking lot to the front door, murmurs filled the air. She caught bits and pieces of their sentences, un-coincidentally sending glares whenever she could. JJ gripped her hand.

"That's them..."

"I wasn't sure they'd show up-"

"I heard they got arrested."

"Wouldn't surprise me."

Her heart sunk deep into her chest as they JJ pulled her to a stop, saving her from colliding with a memorial rock outside the front of the school. Surrounding it was a few flowers, a few pictures, all in memory of John B Routledge. Karolina's stomach thumped with pain again.

"I feel like people are staring at us," Kiara muttered, looking around. JJ followed her gaze, cocking his head to the side. "Oh yeah."

Karolina caught the eyes of a girl nearby, and she was sure that if looks could kill, they'd all be dead. "A lot more Cameron apologists than I'd imagined..."

The warning bell rung suddenly, and Pope spoke, drawing the Pogue's attention back to him. "Guys, I can't be late."

Sighing, Karolina nodded her head. "Me either," she huffed, shouldering her bag nervously again and trying to ignore the pain in her abdomen. "Amy's already on my ass about getting fired again..."

Pope began stalking away, but Kie called after him, saying, "Hey, hey! We gotta stick together." Her hand was extended in front of her, to the boy a few feet away. Karolina watched anxiously to see his response. Things had been weird between Pope and Kie ever since they'd kissed. Many nights had been spent talking with Kie about how things were, if she thought they'd work out, if it all was a mistake or not. Kiara was never sure.

Pope took her extended hand gently, and Karolina squeezed JJ's, pulling him to where their friends waited. She took Kie's other hand in hers, looping their arms together, as they set off into the school building.

。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚

HISTORY CLASS WAS TOO EASY. It was history, and history didn't change, so there was only so much Kildare County's public high schools could teach them about Ancient Rome that Karolina hadn't learned in fourth grade. So that was officially her worst class of the day because it allowed her to not have to listen or concentrate, because she could pass with Google's help, and her mind went to things she didn't want to think about.

Mr. Sunn droned on about Diocletian, and Karolina's mind wandered. It, of course, wandered to what had been on her mind constantly for two weeks, and the pain in her stomach increased every passing second. And she flashed back to two days before he died, when JJ stole Barry's money, and Karolina was so angry with him. Her heart ached when she thought about it, but that was one of the last conversations she'd ever had with him. Of course, they made up a day or so later, but she would regret it forever. She couldn't seem to get it out of her head, replaying almost every argument they'd had over and over again until she felt dizzy and nauseous.

MARLBORO NIGHTS [JJ MAYBANK]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt