fantasy or reality

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Karolina crossed her arms. "I'm sick of doing illegal stuff with you guys. What happened to surfing?"

"Surfing's of the past, Lina," JJ told her, messing with a joint he was rolling, "We've moved on to the big leagues." Kie glanced over her shoulder, saying, "No, I still want to surf when I'm rich."

"Humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality," Pope quoted, staring out the window. They were on their way to the salvage yard, where JJ knew there was a deep-sea drone that they could use to scout the Royal Merchant wreck. The only problem was that they'd have to steal it. "Did you come up with that?" John B questioned, eyebrow raised.

"No, Albert Bernstein came up with it, but it applies to this whole treasure-hunting thing," replied Pope with a definitive scowl.


The blonde girl rested her head on the bench under his legs. "So which is it?" she asked, watching the trees go by. She shifted her gaze to the boy driving. "Fantasy, or reality?"

"Why are you guys so weird?" JJ asked mindlessly. Karolina scowled.

"It's fantasy, but... possible reality," Kie answered, playing along with their little game. But John B was sure: "Reality."

JJ flicked his lighter on, but Pope snatched the blunt away. "Keep the signal clear."

The boys in the back seat started to argue, while Karolina climbed out to follow Kie, over to her car that they had planted earlier that day. John leaned out the window, giving them a charming smile. "Hey, don't worry. You guys got this."

"It's not us I'm worried about," Kie grumbled, pointing to the back window, where JJ was peer pressuring Pope to relax. JB shot them a thumbs up. "Got it."

Following her friend to the front of her car, Karolina watched as Kie tossed her bag in the open window, kneeling down to stick stick her hair pin in the tire to let some air out. Meanwhile, Karolina made her way to the little security building at the head of the salvage yard, waving her hand in the air. "Hello?! Excuse me?"

The security guard sitting inside hurriedly made his way out, scowling. "Can I help you?"

Kie bounced over, shoving her hair pin back into her hair. "Hi, uh, we actually have a flat tire... I was wondering if you could maybe help us out?" Karolina asked, trying her best to give a flirty smile. The man looked around, sighing. "Yeah, yeah..." He pressed a button on the gate, opening it up before moving around the corner, likely to grab an air compressor. "Too easy," mused Kiara.

When he returned, they led him to the other side of her car, pointing out the flat tire. "Its just this back one right here," Kie shrugged, rubbing the back of her neck. She leaned against the boat they were towing behind it. "I mean, it must've been a slow leak or something..." That was their signal, to give the boys the "OK" to sneak inside the gate before it closed.

"Probably just been sitting in the yard too long," the guard murmured, kneeling by the tire. The girls nodded, Kiara humming, "Yeah..."

He gave them a smile. "I got this."

"Great, thank you so much," the blonde smiled coyly, hoping the boys were close to getting in the building. Suddenly the sound of a dog barking reached her ears, and the man glanced up. "Do you hear that?"

Kiara and Karolina shared a look. "Hear what?"

Without hesitating, he stood quickly, starting to storm away to investigate. "Wait! Wait, y-you mean the dog? Oh, it's probably just a raccoon or something, right?" Karolina interjected, looking to Kie for some reassurance. "Yeah, yeah totally."

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