five miles

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AFTER THE FIGHT, THEY ALL CRASHED AT KAROLINA'S HOUSE, where she and Kiara helped to fix them up. Amy wasn't due to come home until about noon, so Karolina didn't worry and even offered to join the crew at the Heyward's department store.

"Don't let it get in your head, bro," JJ told Pope, packing some groceries into a bag for an older man, "Three of them, two of us. That's some typical Kook stuff right there."

Kiara agreed adamantly, and Karolina nodded. "What was your thought process, using your head though?" the blonde boy continued, referencing the head butt Pope gave to Topper that initiated the fight.

Pope was smiling half-heartedly, shoving a six-pack of cokes into a grocery bag. "I don't know, man. I just kinda acted off instinct," he replied simply.

"Sounds pretty awesome to me," Karolina grinned; she winced, the skin under her eye swollen and slightly bruised, thanks to Rafe. Nothing a little concealer couldn't hide.

"Hey Pope."

Mr. Heyward came around the corner, a grave look on his face. "Someone here to see you."

Karolina turned to see sandy haired Officer Shoupe coming towards them. Her mouth went dry. "I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property."

Karolina's blood turned to ice. She couldn't move, couldn't breathe, watching as Shoupe handed the warrant to Pope's father. The boy looked to JJ, his eyes wide and pleading. Kiara started to protest, but the deputy ordered her to be quiet, moving behind Pope to handcuff his wrists together.

Why? Why, why did she let Pope sink that stupid boat? A felony was without a doubt enough to keep him from getting his treasured merit scholarship, enough to ruin his whole life. They were angry, and rightfully so, after what Rafe had just done, but a while later and they would've gotten over it.

"Shoupe, what'd he do?" Heyward demanded. Shoupe gestured to the warrant: "The warrant says it all."

"You're just arresting my boy?" His eyes were unbelieving. "You can't just-" Kie protested.

Shoupe ignored them, listing Pope's rights as he began to usher him out. The boy was wide-eyed, lips parted in shock, expression blank. Karolina glanced at JJ, and they shared a equally troubled looks. "How much did they pay you, man?" JJ asked, finally jumping into action. Afraid he'd get physical with the officer and cause them even more problems, Karolina made sure to grab his arm as his anger level grew. He fought against her as they followed Shoupe out to his patrol car, arguing with Pope's dad about whether they needed to intervene. Just as Shoupe opened the back door to shove Pope inside, JJ's blue eyes met Karolina's, and she was shocked at the serenity in them. She knew this look very well; she knew he always got uncharacteristically calm when he was about to do something stupid.

"It wasn't him!"

Immediately, Shoupe stopped, turning to face them. Karolina stood off of JJ's shoulder, her heart leaping from her chest when Shoupe's cold glare slid over to the blonde boy next to her. "It was me," he pleaded, taking a few steps forwards. Karolina still couldn't breathe; JJ was taking the blame.

"He tried to talk me out of it," JJ explained, pointing at the boy in handcuffs, "But I was mad because he'd just been beaten up. I was so sick of those guys from Figure Eight that I lost it." He stopped in front of Pope, pursing his lips, like he always did when he told a lie. "I can't let you take the blame for somethin' I did. You've got too much to lose."

Karolina couldn't help the scowl that tugged onto her face, heart beating wildly. JJ had gotten in trouble with the police before, but this was a felony. A felony he didn't even commit; Pope might've had a chance in getting a lesser sentence, considering his record was perfectly clean, but it would likely cost him his future. JJ wouldn't stand a chance in court, especially not against the expensive lawyers Topper's family would surely have. JJ was stupid, and crazy, and brave and noble, and it made Karolina want to punch herself in the face. Why did they let him sink the boat?

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