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KAROLINA'S NERVES WERE BUZZING LIKE CRAZY. Night had once again settled in the Outer Banks and the crew, now including Sarah, was packed into John B's van once more, on their way to the Crain house. This was it- all of their work, all of their searching had lead to that night. By the end of the hour, they would either be rich or ready to end it all.

When they finally arrived, John B left the keys in the ignition and jumped out ahead of them, running to slide open the door himself. "Let's go get rich, guys," JJ cheered, grabbing the rope and his flashlight. Karolina started to stand as well when John B interrupted, blocking the door. "Wait wait..." He sighed, thinking for a moment. They watched him expectantly. "I wanna say thank you, guys. Seriously." His smile was sincere. "It means a lot to me that you're here tonight."

Kie gave him a gentle smile. "Always." Pope initiated a handshake with JB, looking equally as sincere, and Karolina shared a shy grin with Sarah.

"All right, we done with the circle jerk?" JJ said suddenly, though his eyes held a genuine smile, "Can we do this?"

John B chuckled, moving out of the way, and the crew started to exit the van, making sure they had their gear. "Let's go get that wheat in the water," Pope said as he hopped out. JJ slung the rope over his shoulder and glanced back at him. "Weed? I'm up for weed-"

"Wheat. I said wheat."

Karolina shook her head, laughing, and followed them out, catching John B's gaze in the process. She nodded; he nodded. Sarah was the first over the stone wall, then Kiara, and the rest followed suit. The night air was warm and wet, sticking the baby hairs that wouldn't fit in her pony-tail to her face, including the blonde bangs she desperately wished she had pinned back.

As they crept towards the house, there was a loud click and suddenly they were flooded with light. It took her pupils a second to adjust before she realized they were standing right under a bright security light; Kie cursed and yanked them aside, behind a thick patch of bushes. "Flashlights! Flashlights!" she hissed, and Karolina flicked hers off hastily. JJ fumbled with his, resorting to covering it with his shirt when it started flashing. "It's on strobe!" Finally, the darkness returned.

"Okay, so," Pope huffed, trying to catch his breath, "She has motion sensor lights..." Karolina bit her lip, glancing back at the house.

"We could, uh... move really slowly?" JJ suggested and Karolina slapped a hand over her face. This was the idiot she was attracted to?

Sarah frowned heavily. "What?" Pope held a similar expression, "Thats not how it works-"

"Let's just throw a rock at it," John B told them. Kiara almost laughed, but her face was completely straight as she said, "Oh yeah, yeah. Let the axe murderer know we're here."

"Throw a rock at it?" Pope repeated, incredulous. John B scowled, scoffing, "You guys have a better idea?"

"Literally anything but that."

"What about the breaker?" Sarah suggested, ignoring Kiara's remark, "In the circuit box on the porch." When John gave her a questioning look, she shrugged. "We used to play hide-and-seek here as kids, and if we were brave enough we'd go all the way up to the porch. I've seen it."

The crickets chirped loudly around them as they thought it over. "No, no, you're not going in the house alone," said John B finally, shaking his head. Sarah scoffed. "Watch me."

"Crain chops people into pieces," JJ told her, as if she hadn't already heard the stories. Sarah rolled her eyes, "If you believe that. But she's like, what- 85? She's probably barely still kicking..."

MARLBORO NIGHTS [JJ MAYBANK]Where stories live. Discover now