a letter from the limbreys

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AFTER KAROLINA CHANGED INTO HER SCHOOL CLOTHES, a cropped tank, zip-up hoodie, and jeans that flared at the ends, she did not wait for JJ to catch up before making her way down the hall to their history classroom, when the bell rang, and students began pouring out of every classroom near. Her phone buzzed in her palm-

Kiara: Where r u guys? U missed Sunn's test

Pope: Meet in library- ASAP!

Karolina clicked her phone locked again, before shouldering her bag higher and turning down the hall from the way she came, having passed the computer lab a long time ago. The halls were so crowded, and it seemed like, when she actually had somewhere she needed to be, they were even more difficult to get through.

When she finally entered the library, JJ, Pope, and Kie were a few feet ahead of her, throwing their bags down at one of the tables. Pope was speaking rapidly- "Okay, so that guy was from the scholarship committee-"

"What guy?" Karolina asked, peering between them. Pope took out a golden envelope, nodding. "This guy pulled me out of Sunn's class, and he gave me that. Read it."

As Karolina placed her backpack on the floor, going to reach for the letter to read, JJ snatched it out of her hands before she could, tearing it open. He stared at the open card for a moment, silent, and Kiara glared, "Out loud."

JJ blinked. "I can't read cursive."

Irritation twinging her nerves, she snatched the letter back, handing it to Kie. She glanced at JJ from the corner of her eye, still very much mad and agitated by how he treated her earlier. "Are you dyslexic or something?" She remembered a few weeks ago when a similar situation happened, while they were thinking over anagrams for the word they'd found in Big John's compass.

"What is that?" he asked, and she thought he was joking at first- but from the small, serious crease between his eyebrows, she could tell this wasn't him being stupid.

She was still mad at him and kind of wanted to punch him in the face, and she rolled her eyes when she said this, but she actually considered the possibility of JJ being dyslexic and never knowing it- and it concerned her a little. Is that why he couldn't read cursive?

Kiara pulled open the card again, and Karolina shook the thought from her head. He had practically called her stupid earlier, so she chose to put a pin in her concern, pushing her worry back to another time when she wasn't angry with him.

"Dear Mr. Heyward," Kie read, "I am reaching out because I have material evidence that can exonerate John B. Routledge." Karolina's mouth went dry as she continued. "It is of vital importance that you come and meet with me in person at my offices at 27 King Street Charleston at 8 pm sharp tonight. Please come alone. Regards, C. Limbrey."

"Charleston?" repeated JJ, as they all glanced up at a pacing Pope.

"It's like an eight hour drive, plus the ferry- how are we gonna get there tonight?"

"We'd have to leave right now," Karolina told them, taking the letter from Kie and reading it herself. Kie shrugged. "I have a free period."

"Material evidence..." JJ muttered to himself, looking over Karolina's shoulder at the letter again. "What does that even mean, material evidence?"

Sighing, Karolina frowned as Kie answered, "It means he can clear John B."

JJ blinked. "Oh, shit- then we're going to Charleston."

The librarian glared at them, and Karolina shook her head. "Amy's going to be pissed..."

Kiara nodded in agreement. "I gotta tell my mom, but... It'll be worth it if we can get John B back. And if we get it this time, we are not giving it to Shoupe."

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