sarah cameron

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Karolina cringed, pursing her lips in John B's direction. The Pogues had met up on the deck of the Chateau the next day to discuss the plan, joined by Sarah Cameron, who was, apparently, their newest member. "You brought her here?" exclaimed Kiara, "So what, she's in on this now?"

John B didn't answer, only glanced to where JJ, Pope, and Karolina shared one chair on the far end of the deck, afraid to be in the middle of it all. "I dunno..." shrugged Pope. "Look, all I care about is her cut comes out of your share," JJ clarified, gesturing to John B.

Karolina froze when their gazes swept to her. "Uh, Sarah, you seem great but... I'm going with whatever Kie says," she nodded at her curly-haired friend. She had few reasons to outwardly dislike Sarah, besides whatever she had done to Kiara last year and Rafe, but John B had promised Kiara nothing was happening between them and that she wouldn't be involved in anything else to do with the Royal Merchant hunt. So if she was now going to take part in the heist, John B would've been lying. Karolina knew friends don't lie, per what Millie Bobby Brown had taught her.

"You know, and I don't remember taking a vote," spat Kiara, hands poised on her hips, "This is our thing. A Pogue thing."

"I gotta say, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this," Pope announced.

"Thank you!"

"When are you not uncomfortable?" countered John B, rolling his eyes. Karolina scoffed; though it was true, it was a low blow. "I don't know, I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably," Pope replied, matter-of-factly.

"It's true. Most relaxed I've ever seen him."

John B simmered, staring out at the water. "That's cute guys."

"You know, we were all extremely comfortable, until you brought her-"

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" shouted Sarah suddenly, making Karolina raise her eyebrows.

Kiara gave a sickeningly sweet smile. "Then leave." Sarah scoffed, shaking her head as she turned to look at John B. "I told you."

"Told him what, exactly?" Kie asked, "That you're a liar?"

"No, that you're a trash-talking bitc-"

Pope and JJ leaned in, whispering and passing money between them. "My money's on Kie..." JJ hissed, and Karolina scowled at them, shaking her head disappointingly. "You really think either one of us would bet against Kie?" she laughed quietly, leaning back from her perch on the arm of the chair. "She could smash Sarah into Kook-y crumbs any day, any time-"

"Everybody shut up!"John B hollered over the chaotic argument Sarah and Kie had gotten in to, coincidentally making the gambling between JJ, Pope, and Karolina fall into hush as well. He looked to Kiara. "Kie, you are my best friend, right?" She nodded, though it was reluctant.

"And Sarah, you're... You're my..." He was at a loss for words, staring at the blonde expectantly. A gentle smile slid onto Sarah's lips. "Say it."

"You're my girlfriend."

Kie scoffed loudly, rolling her eyes. "She's your girlfriend now?" An unbelieving smirk settled on her lips. "What was all that talk about you were just using her for information...? Get a map, cut her loose..."

Sarah's gentle smile fell. "You... You said you were using me?" She sounded so heartbroken that Karolina almost felt bad. "No," John B lied.

"Yeah, you did-"

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