the one to fear

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A FEW DAYS LATER, the Pogues, minus Sarah, laid around on the dock at the Chataeu, trying to recover from the events that took place earlier that week.

Ward Cameron died and took the fall for Peterkin's murder, so Rafe was free. They only found this out when Karolina saw him at the supermarker, which was terrifying.

None of them had seen or spoken to Sarah after her father's death, either. Karolina hoped she was okay.

JJ had his fishfing rod over the railing, but wasn't catching much of anything, while Karolina leaned on the railing next to him, Pope at the end of the dock, John B watching the water flat on his stomach aboard the HMS Pogue.

"He deserved it, right?" JJ said, after a while of silence.

Kiara gave him a look. "Are you joking? Of course he deserved it."

Pope said, "Never seen anyone blow themselves up like that..."

"Cross that one off the bucket list."

Karolina glared at him, and Kie cried, "JJ!"

John B still said nothing, head down, watching the water. Karolina and Kie shared a glance, before the latter moved down to sit next to him. Karolina decided to scold JJ in a hushed voice.

"Why would you say that—"

"Just speaking my truth—"

"— you know he's sensitive!" she hissed, nodding towards John B.

JJ sighed. "Sucks for Sarah."

Kie dangled her feet over the water and touched John B's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

He said nothing for a long time, before mumbling an answer. "It's not me I'm worried about."

。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚

WHEN DARK SETTLED, John B finally confessed to Pope and Karolina that Sarah came to see him earlier that day, and that indirectly broke up with him.

Karolina, again, felt out of place with two heart-broken friends of hers, lying on the boat with them and looking at the stars.

"I don't get it..." John B sighed. "I don't."

"Love is five minutes of pleasure for a lifetime of pain," Pope sighed.

Between them, Karolina frowned at the stars. "That's not exactly true..." she murmured.

Both Pope and John B gave her an irritated look. "I'm guessing you and JJ are doing well?"

She sat up on her elbows. "That's not the point. You guys are such whiners—"

John B reached up and flicked her forehead sadly. His finger was pretty much limp.

Karolina scoffed. "Okay, that was just pitiful..."

"Blah, blah, blah, 'I'm in a happy relationship,'" John B mimicked her voice, twirling his nonexistant long hair. "We get it, and we don't care."

Karolina scoffed and rolled her eyes, as John B talked to Pope. "So, okay, you and Kie. What's going on? Talk to me."

"Um... Well," Pope sat up to look at him. "She just wants to be friends."

John B pursed his lips and sighed. "Ooh, death blow."

Karolina patted Pope's arm. "I'm sorry, P. That sucks."

"I... I didn't even see it coming," he stammered, raising his hands as if to say "what am I doing wrong!"

Karolina crossed her arms and looked between them both, deadpan. "Look, guys, and this is from a girl's perspective..." She huffed, looking at Pope.

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