the end of it all

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"LOOK, IF RAFE AND BARRY KNOW, IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE EVERYONE KNOWS..." muttered John B. They'd taken the Pogue to a little inlet on the coast, where there were no houses. Sarah sat with her head low, curled up in one of John B's Hawaiian shirts. Karolina sat awkwardly between Pope and Kie, who refused to look at each other without blushing, and JJ paced relentlessly. 

"I told you. We should've gone south, man!" stressed the blonde, gesticulating wildly. John B rolled his eyes. "Just stop it-" 

"Why does no one ever listen?!" 

Karolina stood and grabbed JJ's arm, as John B shook his shoulders. "I get it! I get it, I understand!" The blonde huffed, turning and brushing past his girlfriend angrily, as Sarah spoke up. "I have an idea." 

They all looked at her, all except JJ, who still silently fumed. "With me back... My dad's going to have to choose between me and Rafe." 

John B's eyes softened. "Sarah..." This was her family that was being torn apart, and no one wanted to make her do that-

"He's gonna choose me," she said confidently. 

"Ward keeps lying to you, Sarah," John B emphasized. Kiara nodded. "He won't agree after all that's happened." 

"No, I... I know it sounds crazy-" 

"Yeah, it does-" 

"I know!" exclaimed Sarah, suddenly. They quieted instantly, and Karolina could see tears shimmering in her tired eyes as she struggled to find the words to speak. "But he's my dad," she cried, her voice cracking. "And I know him, and I know he loves me." She looked helplessly at John B again. "I'm just asking for two hours." 

JJ threw his hands up, shaking his head. Karolina glared at him, going to pat Sarah's hand and giving her a nod. 

The blonde stood shakily, a hand pressed to her still very painful gunshot wound, and she brushed her hair from her face. No one said anything- not even John B, at first- as she walked towards the Pogue. He turned before she got too far away, saying, "Sarah." 

Karolina stood next to JJ, watching the conversation that she couldn't hear, before Sarah was walking away again. 

They waited for about an hour for Sarah to return, JJ, Kie, and Karolina gathering firewood while Pope and John B discussed something in the sand. They were approaching with armfuls of wood when the blonde girl returned, looking dreadfully upset. 

Kiara tried to make light of the situation, cheering when she pulled the boat closer to shore. "Sarah!" 

They dumped the driftwood in the sand, jogging out to meet her. "You made it!" said Pope, and John B immediately took to being concerned. "What happened?" 

JJ and Pope docked the boat, while he helped Sarah off, their sneakers getting soaked in the standing water at their feet. "How'd it go?" John B asked, and Sarah sniffed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"You guys were right. It didn't work. I'm sorry..." 

Her statement hung in the wet air around them, and Karolina sighed, catching JJ's gaze. This was it then; they had to leave again, otherwise they'd be caught, and John B... She didn't want to think about it. 

"Well, then that settles it, guys," JJ announced, approaching them from behind. Karolina followed him, sulkingly. "Y'all need to load up in the paddy wagon and get the heck outta Dodge right now." 

Pope nodded, his hands on his hips. "Right. You'll need supplies, and you'll have to split as soon as possible." 

Karolina ran a hand through her hair with another sigh, confusion washing over her as a panicked expression overtook Kie'es face. "Guys, I- I think it's too late." 

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