Chapter 3

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"Ah look who's on time. Wow your two minutes early this time." Her father said sarcastically as she sat down at the table. Her father snapped his fingers as the kitchen doors opened and her family's personal chef Jessamine and Charlotte, who was one of Tegans closets friend, walked out with multiple plates balanced on her arms. They were Tegans only friend growing up even though they were maybe 15 years older than her but they were still the best friends Tegan's ever had. The two smiled at Tegan and walked back to the kitchen after serving her and her family. The family ate in silence until Tegan asked, 

"So I was wondering if I could maybe go out with a friend tonight?" Her father glared at her and he put down his fork and was about to speak until she said "I know I was late coming home from school, but I never get to go out! I finished all of my homework please dad! It would be just for a few hours, please!" Her mother looked over to her father, her mother cracked a smile and nodded.

"Alright, fine but if you are not in this house by 9:30 plan on never seeing the light of day again! Do you understand me?" Her father said. She nodded. "Good." He said finishing his plate "Jess!" He called. Jessamine came running out of the kitchen to grab his plates. "Where's my-"

"Your drinks are in the lounge sir." Jessamine said as she carried his plates away. He started to walk away in the direction of the lounge, stopped suddenly and said,

"9:30" glaring at Tegan who was finishing her dinner. She looked at her mother who was smiling at her as she said

"Go, get out and enjoy it who knows when you'll get to do it again," Tegan nodded and ran upstairs.


"Look who's finally here!" Bobby said sarcastically as Luke parked his bike out side the studio's big double doors. "Now that are lead is finally here can we get started, wait we can't because our lead singer gave away our music!" Bobby made it very clear he had no intention of forgiving Luke.

"Alright guys I get it your mad at me, I know I should of talked to you guys before I did what I did but it seems like Tegan needed it, I walked her home and it seemed like she's having a hard time at home and needs to get out of the house so if I can help her with and excuse to get away from home for a little bit that's great. Come on we all know having a hard home life sucks." He looked over at Reggie and Alex who were hanging their heads and nodding. "The least we can do is help this girl out!"

"Wait what was her name?" Reggie asked.

"Tegan." Luke said.

"You mean, Tegan Davis?" Reggie asked again.

"I don't know I didn't get her last name but maybe." Luke said confused. "What about it?"

"Her dad is a millionaire business owner, and from what I've heard from my dad and moms work friends, her dad is a nut job." Reggie explained.

"In what way?" Alex asked. "Like serial killer kind of weird or just creepy, odd ball boss that you only talk to when you need to kind of weird?"

"Like uses his money in ways he probably shouldn't, says things that make you think twice before being alone with him kind of weird." Reggie said,

"Well her dad was giving me off weird vibes, but we don't know if it's the same guy," Luke began

"Okay regardless Luke, we understand why you did it, but I just wish you would have talked to us," Bobby Answered. "None of us have even met her and until you told us just know, none of us even knew her name until just now." 

"Okay, okay I get it can we just forgive and move on because she might come today, and if she does I promised I would make sure I fixed things okay?" The three boys nodded as Luke breathed a sigh of relief. Alex went to his drums, Reggie and Bobby picked up their instruments and Reggie said,

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