Chapter 10

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[Tegans POV] 

There wasn't much more for us to do that night after rehearsals, but I think the guys could tell something was up. After cleaning everything up, Luke had thrown his guitar back on its stand and fell face first into the couch. 

"Anybody else heading home?" I asked. The three boys who's face that I could actually see shook their head 'no' while Luke mumbled into the couch

"No" I walked over and stood behind the couch and asked

"So same time tomorrow?" I asked. All of them nodded and on my way out the door.


[Tegans POV]

I had gotten home way later then we had intended, luckily when I got home my mom was the only one awake and said she'd let it slide. Even though I promised I would be home two hours ago. When I was in my room and had changed into shorts and a t-shirt for bed, I just had settled into my bed with a book I heard a quiet knock on my door.

"Come in" I said putting my book mark into the 'The Giver'. Sara poked her head around the door and asked

"You going to bed?"  I nodded and answered.

"After I finish this chapter."

"Okay well goodnight, oh and I checked my schedule and I have to leave Sunday morning in order to be back for class on Monday. Just wanted you to know."

"What! You're leaving already?" I asked. "You just got here!"

"I've only been here a week. You'll be fine you can handle your self." She said trying to reassure me, "good night,"

"Good night" I said back as she shut my door. I really don't want her to leave, she made it easier for me to commit to these performances.  I just have more confidence around her more than anybody else.


[Lukes POV] 

That night I was actually able to sleep at home without getting into to big of an argument with my mom or dad.

"Hey sweetie." My mom said in her chair in the living room when I snuck back in the door which startled me.

"I thought you were already in bed." I said.

"Eh, couldn't sleep. So how'd it go?" She asked kind of passive aggressively.

"Rehearsals were good." I said taking my coat off. "Dance is tomorrow and I think she's going to be okay." I said referring to Tegan. She sat in her chair reading her paper with a smug smile. I sighed and went to my room without saying anything else, not having the energy to start a fight this late at night.

"Maybe next time you should just go to the homecoming dance instead of making everything about music." She called out to me.

"In your dreams mom." I snapped back. One day I'm really going to loose it on her and it's probably going to end with me getting kicked out of the house. That night I shut my door with a little more attitude then usual. Was it the most mature thing to do, probably not, but did it make me feel better, it definitely did. I changed out of my clothes that were soaked from the rain into sweatpants for bed. I just laid face down on my bed not wanting to get back up to hit the light switch. I rolled over, as I was about to get up my dad peaked through the crack in my door.

"Hey kiddo, your mom said your new girls doing well?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. "She's getting better, more comfortable and looser." My dad was way better about the whole music thing then my mom. My mom had little to no tolerance for it, my dad wasn't fully on board, but he knew it made me happy so I think he tried to live with it.

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